Lemon Cure That Can Do Your Liver Good

Lemon has anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Because of this, it successfully combats the build-up of harmful substances in the liver and strengthens our immune system.

Lemon diet, which is good for your liver

The liver takes on numerous functions in our organism and is also often exposed to viruses, toxic substances, pollutants, poor nutrition and, moreover, all sorts of diseases. Here we introduce you to a healthy lemon regimen to take care of your liver.

A well-functioning liver must be given top priority in our lives because it is responsible for cleaning the blood, improving digestion and also strengthening the immune system.

As you know, a nutritious, balanced and varied diet can do a lot for our health. However, we would like to recommend that you  never go without this indispensable food: the lemon. 

We’ll give you three reasons this citrus fruit is beneficial for your liver health. Try the zirtone cure !

Lemon can protect the liver


1. The lemon provides important nutrients

To keep our liver healthy, we need minerals and vitamins that provide the liver cells with energy and also protect them from harmful substances that weaken or destroy them.

  • Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening the body’s defenses and resists the bacteria and viruses that attack our liver.
  • The lemon cure is based almost exclusively on drinking a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach. It mineralizes the liver tissue by providing it with a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins.
  • The lemon has a natural anti-inflammatory effect and can therefore also be very helpful in the case of fatty liver.

2. Lemon can cleanse the liver

Lemon has a cleansing effect that we should use every day. It detoxifies the organism and also fights free radicals that attack the cells.

  • We should also not forget that regular consumption of lemon juice optimizes the functions of the gallbladder. Digestion is then supported by the correct secretion of the bile.

This way the nutrients are absorbed much better.

  • The lemon also helps us cleanse the intestines. Thanks to the lemon cure, fewer pollutants get into the bloodstream and the nutrients also travel better through the intestine, which is healthy and clean.

    3. Lemon has an alkaline effect and protects the liver

    The lemon has a strong base-forming effect. It regulates the pH value of our body and also protects against free radicals. At the same time, the liver and kidney function are promoted.

    • The liver is also an important organ in filtering pollutants from the blood. When the environment is alkaline, the liver can do its job better. The antioxidants and vitamin C contained in lemon also support the liver in this.

    A lemon regimen can help with fatty liver

    Fatty liver is one of the most common diseases of the liver. Here accumulate fatty acids and triglycerides in the liver.

    The liver becomes inflamed, which then affects digestion.

    • A significant part of the population now suffers from fatty liver disease, and although alcohol problems are often the cause, it can also be caused by poor diet.
    • Lemon supports the regeneration of liver cells, alleviates inflammation and at the same time helps break down fats.
    • The antioxidants and vitamin C in lemon also help lower cholesterol and stimulate digestion.

    The lemon cure can therefore help with this liver disease.

    How is the lemon cure carried out?

    Lemon cure

    Lukewarm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach


    • 1 lemon
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • All you have to do is mix a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice and then drink it every morning on an empty stomach.
    • You may think that consuming lemon juice on an empty stomach puts too much strain on your body. Therefore everyone has to find the right time for themselves. You can also use half a lemon so that the lemon water is not so strong.

    Oil with a few drops of lemon juice


    • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (16 g)
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (10 ml)


    • If you don’t feel comfortable drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach, you will find it easier to drink a spoonful of olive oil with lemon. This home remedy has the same health benefits for your liver.
    • It promotes the cleansing of the liver and gall bladder and also supports the functions of these organs. In addition, this home remedy combats the accumulation of toxins and strengthens the immune system.  So don’t waste any time and try this lemon cure yourself.

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