Learn To Listen To Your Body

We should never ignore the signals from our body as it often has the answer to our sensations. Don’t suppress your feelings, listen to your insides.

Learn to listen to your body

Many illnesses are the result or the direct consequence of suppressed feelings. While we have learned to be on our guard, it often happens that we forget to listen to our  bodies.

Learn to listen to your  body , it is the mirror of your doubts and worries, it gives you answers to pain and troublesome thoughts and tells you more about neglected healing processes.

For example, the digestive tract is seen as a second brain that acts and reacts independently of our head brain. Experts believe that 95% of the serotonin in our body is produced in connection with the digestive tract.

This is just one of the reasons everyone should learn to live in harmony with their physical needs. The world of feelings is so vast that it would be far too simplistic to create a guide about it.

Neck pain

Where should we start listening to the body?

Start with the simple things. If you are tired then take a rest. You have to go to the bathroom, then go. If you want to cry, cry. Feel your reactions, your breathing, and your heart. Listen to your insides.

For example, when you read these lines, does your breathing speed up or slow down? Do you feel them Or when you read about indigestion or menstrutation, do you feel addressed?

We should allow ourselves to understand how our body is feeling and listen to it. If your legs feel numb, you may want to get up and take a walk.

Rely on your body and discover its innate wisdom. It is sad to see that after a long evolution we break away from our feelings and needs.

It is not necessary to know exactly what is going on in your body, why the heartbeat is increasing or the breathing is getting faster, why you feel like crying or have a cramp.

When you feel your feelings, you will discover the signs of your body too. It is a process that takes place in the mind and body at the same time. Allow your feelings to express themselves!


When we experience concern, fear, or any other sensation or emotion, the process becomes a little more complicated.

Close your eyes and pause for a moment to review recent events. You are sure to find the reasons that caused your symptoms here.

The cornerstone of healing

Sensations and feelings help to live consciously, to participate in things and to trust the wisdom of the body.

Over time, we have lost the ability to sense ourselves and feel the need to always be on the alert, ready to act immediately.

We have forgotten the really important things, such as hearing emotional pain. That is why our body gives us ever louder signals, which can have devastating consequences for our health.

Sorrow and pain, great allies

We have learned that we should always be happy and satisfied with our life, without understanding that our feelings play the most important role in it. 

Grief or pain must not be ignored or suppressed, they are important allies designed to  help you cope with life. 

The negation or ignorance of these negative feelings is cultural. Few have learned to use the innate ability to overcome pain and listen to the body that knows what to do.

Tears help channel energy and understand the body. Therefore, they should never be suppressed.


It is often strange how the expression of emotions is suppressed by medication or exercise. These activities produce encephalitic hormones that suppress tears. It also suppresses feelings

In order to understand this better, one has to know that the composition of tears of joy and tears of pain is different. The producing hormones and their purpose are completely different. So one should not suppress them if they are necessary for the body.

When we let our emotions run wild, the body and mind feel pure. Both joy and sadness help to come to terms with life.

This gives us mental clarity, even if we often only realize too late how we should have responded best in a certain situation.

Pain that relieves pain

Many think that a hard life with sacrifices is more honorable than a life full of happiness.  That sounds harsh and with these thoughts we put pressure on ourselves.

Emotional freedom can only be achieved when we begin to feel repressed processes from birth.

The first thing to do is to get rid of emotional burdens and change attitudes in order to generate positive feelings.

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