Learn To Drive Away Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can be very stressful if they gnaw too much at you and permanently negatively affect your arbor and mood.

Learn to get rid of negative thoughts

If you let negative thoughts go roundabout in your head for too long, you run the risk of losing your balance and giving them more space than negative thoughts are worth. Get rid of it, drive away negative thoughts and get out of the thought carousel!

Where do negative thoughts come from?

Unfortunately, negative thoughts are all too often caused by stress these days. In the hectic pace of everyday life, it is more and more difficult for us to see the positive things in life. Negative thoughts are widespread in us and are no longer so easy to scare away. Though hard to believe, negative thoughts have power.

So if we are laden with negative emotions and destructive words, we will sabotage ourselves in a thousand ways throughout the day. Our discomfort will be great and life will look like a struggle without a truce.

On the other hand, if our thoughts are loaded with positive emotions that build us up, complete us, the results on the same day will look very different. Learn to banish negative thoughts and take their power away!

Work colleagues do not have negative thoughts

Change your body language

You can “poke at yourself” to improve your mood and prevent negative thought processes from entering your head. You can use the power of your own subconscious to change yourself and your mood. Part of it is body language, because it is how we unconsciously express moods.

Our fellow human beings can “read” these subconsciously transmitted moods just as our subconscious can, if we want to manipulate it.

So if you go through everyday life with shoulders pulled back, head raised and back straight, this positive and strong posture also has a positive effect on your subconscious and from there also influences your thought processes, which will turn away from the negative.

Change your choice of words

Through your choice of words, you can not only influence other people, but also yourself, both positively and negatively. You know the story of the glass that is half empty for the pessimist, but half full for the optimist. Change your choice of words and language to influence your own mood as well.

You have to admit that sentences like “it’s raining outside again” are more likely to lead to negative thoughts and conversations like the sentence “from tomorrow the sun should shine again”. Try not to give space to negative thoughts in your language either!

negative thoughts of a woman

Be careful

Mindfulness is often used these days to solve psychological problems, prevent mental illness, and face stress. Those who cannot or do not want to acquire the technology themselves can book appropriate courses.

This method can also be helpful against chronic pain. Various studies have shown that certain mindfulness techniques are effective in preventing depression or relapse.

Put simply, it is about being very conscious of the present and experiencing it consciously. Whoever practices this successfully will learn and automatically find that satisfaction and happiness are never dependent on external factors, but grow from within.

A good exercise to get you started is to describe your own environment, everyday events and observations in a completely neutral way.

We immediately and unconsciously evaluate a lot of what happens around us and assign positive or negative attributes to it without giving it much thought. The event, the object or the environment is thus immediately assessed and categorized. First try to develop your neutral perception on small things.

Prevent negative thoughts by relaxing by the sea

Distract yourself

A meeting with friends should serve to put your negative thoughts on hold or to dispel them entirely.

Forbid yourself from speaking about negative things on such occasions and use the time to enjoy the positive in your life. Instead of meeting up with friends, you can also go outdoors and pursue a hobby such as jogging or cycling. Ideally, you do this with friends!

Make a positive list

Sometimes it helps to really visualize things. Sit down and make a list of only the positive things in your life.

Things you can be grateful for (that you have a job, you are healthy, have great children, …) and things that bring you joy (the flower on the windowsill, the neighbor’s cat on the fence, the glint of the sun on the Window pane, …).

Leave the list clearly visible, internalize what you have written down and add to the list whenever you can think of something. Negative thoughts have no place there!

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