Jaxon Buell: Baby With Brain Malformation Poses A Challenge To Science

Although the doctors informed the parents that the baby would be born with malformations, they refused to have an abortion. Today little Jaxon is 13 months old

Jaxon Buell: Brain-malformed baby is challenging science

Jaxon Emmett Buell was born with  a severe brain malformation. His chances of survival were estimated to be hours or a few weeks at the most. But after one year of life, Jaxon Buell’s science is impressed.

After many examinations and a lack of studies, experts were able to make a diagnosis: Jaxon suffers from  hydranencephaly. This is a  malformation that prevents the brain from developing normally.

The skull and brain are malformed, only the brain stem is functional. Consequential damage is balance and coordination disorders as well as motor problems.

Jaxon became known worldwide as ” the miracle baby ” due to his serious illness, particularly through social channels . However, the medical prognoses are still critical. However, after a year, his parents believe  that Jaxon has a chance to live longer. 

The story of Jaxon Buell

deformity baby

Brittany and Brandon Buell, Jaxon’s parents, were overjoyed to learn of the pregnancy. However, by week 17, the fetus was found to have a malformation of the brain, which drastically reduced the chances of life.

Doctors advised an abortion, but left the difficult decision up to the parents. It was important to them that the little one would not suffer and that Brittany would not be in danger either.

Brandon, the father, reports that they wanted to give their son a chance. However, he also emphasizes that the decision would have been different if the baby or mother had been at least risky, even if both were believing Christians.

Baby jaxon

The parents were often criticized as “egoists” for keeping their baby despite the severe disabilities. This is what Mr Buell said in the Daily Mail :

“Who are we that we can decide? We were given a son, a unique opportunity and we had to talk to him. “

At what moment did the decision to live become a selfish and reprehensible act ? ” added the father.

Although many people advocated abortion, the story of little Jaxon moved many more people –  a miracle science cannot explain.

A disease without a cure

Jaxon Baby 2

For the first three weeks of his life , Jaxon was dependent on various machines in the intensive care unit.  During this time, the doctors tried to find out more about his health.

The prognosis: Jaxon will never be able to walk, hear, see or express his hunger needs. The baby  has to be fed with a feeding tube and has to fight against innumerable complications.

Today he is a little over 13 months old and incredibly strong in his very personal fight. In between he can see and hear and even speak his first words.

The parents received a lot of support through their Facebook page “ Jaxon strong ”. This now has more than 200,000 followers. There is also GoFundMe, which donated over $100,000 for the little one’s costly treatments.

What does Jaxon’s future look like?

Jaxon’s disease is currently incurable. Because even if he has reached the first year of life  , his chances of survival are very slim. The parents are aware of this: Jaxon needs a bigger miracle to be able to go on living.

At the moment he is getting the best possible care and the Buells enjoy every moment they are allowed to spend with their son.

The following message was published on the Internet by the parents:

“Our incredible and strong child, Jaxon, was born on August 27, 2014 and was diagnosed with hydranencephaly, an extreme brain malformation for which there is no cure. Jaxon has already shown how strong, intelligent and unique he is. He has performed services that no doctor would have thought possible. Jaxon is making progress every day. He achieved a miracle record on the day he celebrated his first birthday. “

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