Indoor Plants For Air Purification

Even when sweeping, cleaning furniture or other daily activities, volatile components are released into the air.

Indoor plants for air purification

Houseplants are not only decorative, they can also help purify the air. Different plants have numerous positive properties, are easily available in a greenhouse or can also be sown.

Perhaps you also know someone who can then give you an offshoot. Learn how your houseplants can help with air purification in this article .

Polluted air? These plants help with air purification

The air that circulates in all rooms is mostly polluted. This means that it contains volatile and irritating substances that mostly come from outside when we open windows or doors or step into the house with shoes on.

Even when sweeping, cleaning the furniture or doing other daily activities, volatile constituents are released into the air. These can irritate the eyes, nose or throat and the entire respiratory system.

Even when we clean the rooms with certain products, paint the walls, remove the curtains to wash or come home from the park, volatiles are thrown into the air.

indoor plants

Green plants have long been used for decorative purposes, in the living room, in the kitchen, in the hallway … plants are beautiful and calming everywhere.

However, not long ago it was discovered that these are also excellent air purifiers and can rid the home of harmful substances. 

When plants breathe, they absorb the particles floating in the air and eject them through the roots, where they are destroyed by microorganisms in the earth.

Plants absorb toxins suspended in the air from general air pollution, smog from a nearby factory, tobacco smoke, animal dander, etc.

They are excellent helpers to rid the air of pathogens (such as flu viruses) and are particularly recommended for allergy sufferers.


Which plants help best with air purification?


Many are not necessarily enthusiastic about orchids because they think they need a lot of maintenance. However, this is a mistake. They need far less water and sun than we think, so they often don’t last long.

Don’t put orchids too close to the window or water them too much. Orchids rid the air of xylenes, a substance found in colors. That’s why they are a great gift for someone moving into a new apartment or who has just painted the walls.

Unlike other plants, orchids also breathe and release oxygen at night, making them ideal for the bedroom.


Fern is very popular because it grows almost like a weed and has survived since ancient times. The light, large, and delicate leaves filter tolulene and xylene from the air, two substances found in vinyl adhesives, nail polish, and paints.

indoor plants

Peace lily for air purification

If you love flowers but don’t want them to wither in a few days, the Peace Lily is for you. It grows well in the shade in cooler temperatures.

The peace lily helps eliminate harmful substances such as acetone, ethyl acetate, ammonia, benzene, methyl alcohol, xylene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Dracaena massangeana (dragon tree)

This plant originally comes from Africa, it is very exotic and also a perfect decoration in every home. She breathes formaldehyde, which is in the air.


This heart-shaped leaf plant is particularly popular in the United States. It requires little light and can withstand cold temperatures. Often used in offices, it is also recommended in the home as it removes formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from the air.

indoor plants

Flamingo flower (Anthurium andreanum)

This plant has many flowers that are relatively long and very beautiful leaves. It is one of the most elegant houseplants. It is also known under the name “Devil’s Tongue” and has aphrodisiac properties due to the anatomy of the flower.

The leaves are dark and absorb toluene, xylene, formaldehyde and ammonia. It is ideal for offices or work rooms with computers, copiers, fax machines, etc.

Moon flower

This plant absorbs almost all harmful solvents such as benzene (found in cigarette smoke) and other pollutants found in paints and adhesives.

Weeping fig

This plant also helps to purify the air and is also very decorative. She needs a fair amount of sunlight and regular watering. It can grow into a tree 2 meters long.

The Brikenfeige dispose of harmful substances released by acrylic paints, upholstery fabrics and cleaning agents.


This plant has shiny leaves and, with good care, grows very quickly. It absorbs pentachlorophenol (PCP), which is used to preserve wood.

She loves sunlight, but doesn’t have to stand right by the window. In spring this plant should be transplanted into a larger pot so that it can continue to grow.

Palm tree for air purification

The palm has an excellent effect against pollutants, namely it absorbs ammonia, which is present in cleaning agents and window cleaning agents. It is an exotic plant, so it needs direct sunlight all day long.


Images courtesy of Corel Leopold, Tim Bowers, Anika Malone, Robin Zebrowski, hyper7pro, Orin Zebest.

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