I’m So Sensitive That I Become An Emotional Sponge

You have to allow your emotions to flow instead of soaking them all up. If you are unable to do so, make sure to surround yourself with positive people in order to take in good things.

I am so sensitive that I become an emotional sponge

Do you often overreact? Does it affect you a lot how others feel? If you are very sensitive, you may be able to refer to yourself as an emotional sponge.

Some people are actually so sensitive that they are  above average empathetic and receptive. 

Everything affects her much more than her fellow human beings. Because they always push their emotions to the limit of what is possible. 

When they are sad they are heartbroken, when they are happy they are exaggeratedly euphoric. You don’t know anything mediocre when it comes to feelings.

Perhaps this is because these sensitive people soak up feelings from others that do not belong to them.

I am an emotional sponge and I suffer from it


If you feel like an emotional sponge , you may be known for your great empathy, your ability to listen, and give good advice to others.

What most of the people around you do not know, however, is  that you suffer from it because you are always soaking up other people’s feelings. 

When you talk to a friend who is feeling bad because a family member has died, you feel pain, absorb it, and suffer greatly from it yourself.

This is not a bad thing if you are not constantly surrounded by people who transmit negative feelings.

It is not your fault, you are not aware of it. You are quite simply more sensitive than others,  although you have no advantage, only harm. 

Properties of highly sensitive people

sensitive woman

It is time to discover reality, to realize why everything that happens around you affects you so much.

  • You feel different: You know that you perceive emotions much more intensely and intensely than others.
  • You take everything too personally, no matter what.
  • Stress, anxiety and fear are part of your life: you didn’t choose it that way, but because you absorb other people’s emotions, they form part of you.
  • You observe yourself: your sensitivity allows you to analyze and observe yourself in order to know yourself better in every way.
  • Your empathy is very great: You can very easily put yourself in other people’s shoes.
  • Criticism affects you very much: Even if you try to prevent it, you will always cry when you are criticized.

If it’s not your emotions, let them go!


If you’ve found that you are an emotional sponge, it also means that you are very reactive. This means that you will react very exaggerated in situations that do not affect others.

Imagine you are getting on a bus or you are in a doctor’s waiting room and someone is sitting next to you. When that person is sad or sick, you feel the same way without wanting to, even if you don’t even know the person.

This becomes a problem when it interferes with your life. When you are unable to let go of what is not yours and become the emotional sponge, your life becomes very complicated.

You have to be aware  that doing so could cause you to forget yourself because you suffer for others and spend yourself for them. 

Take care of your health

highly sensitive woman or remotional sponge

If so, it is important to get your emotions on track. Empathy is not negative, neither is intense feelings, but if you absorb the pain of others and suffer for them, this is detrimental to your health.

Receiving and absorbing are not the same thing,  sometimes this cannot be controlled. So if you feel exhausted or overwhelmed, if you find yourself unable to control your emotions, you should make a change.

Protect yourself from the feelings of others,  learn to let your emotions go.

You are not responsible for other people’s feelings, worries, grief, pain …

If you are not aware of it, in time you will become unbearable and you will explode.

Learn to distance yourself from negative emotions and  surround yourself with positive people. That way you can absorb good and prevent bad.

If you can’t do that,  allow the negativity to follow its path. Don’t hold onto it, get rid of it.

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