I Don’t Like Water – How Can I Quench My Thirst?

Our water consumption should be adapted to our physical activity. In order to consume more water, we can also use foods that contain a lot of water or natural juices with no added sugar

I don't like water - how can I quench my thirst?

You have probably heard or read about it many times that it is important to drink two liters of water a day. That doesn’t sound difficult at first – provided you enjoy drinking it! But what do those who don’t  like water do?

How can you replace it and still follow this recommendation? In this article, we’ll explain how you can use other fluids to keep your body hydrated and protect your health.

Why is it so important to drink water?

The sparrows are already whistling from the rooftops, but why is there so much insistence that you should drink enough water?

Various studies have shown that 8 glasses of water a day sufficiently hydrate the body and all of its tissues , prevent fluid retention and stimulate the excretion of metabolic end products and toxins.

We believe that coffee, beer, and soft drinks serve the same function, but they don’t.

In fact, many of these drinks promote urine production and therefore have a dehydrating rather than hydrating effect , which can aid in weight loss.

drinking water

Sometimes we even think we have an appetite when we are actually thirsty. Conversely, you can be sure not to consume excess calories if you drink enough.

You also won’t feel weak and powerless if your body is adequately hydrated.

It is recommended to drink before feeling thirsty. When this feeling sets in, there is already a certain dehydration and it is already a little too late. Nevertheless, the same applies here: Better late than never.

If you are on a weight loss diet and are physically active accordingly, we also recommend drinking water.

In this way, the fat is reduced faster and all pollutants that have accumulated in the body can be easily eliminated with the urine.

The same applies if you suffer from fluid stored in the tissue, from thick ankles or legs.

If physical activity increases, more must be drunk. As a rule of thumb, you can remember that an additional liter should be drunk per hour of exercise.

Drink water while exercising

What if I don’t like water?

That all sounds fine and good up to here. You know the benefits of drinking enough fluids every day. But even this knowledge cannot motivate you to consume two liters of water a day.

You forget to drink or you just don’t like pure water. If so, then you prefer to drink other liquids, which may not be included in the two-liter bill.

A few simple habits can make it a lot easier for you to come up with your daily should:

  • Drink the first glass of water right after you get up.
  • You drink another glass before and after each meal.
  • Fill the glass with water and drink it quickly.
  • When you set the table, offer water instead of soda or juice.
  • Don’t forget to drink an extra portion after physical activity. The same is true when it’s very hot outside.
  • You have to drink in winter too.
  • Write down how much you’ve already drunk.
  • Take a water bottle with you everywhere.
  • Put a water bottle in sight, for example on the desk.
  • Also, put a water bottle on the bedside table.
  • Buy bottled water instead of soda or juice.
  • If pure water is too boring for you, add lemon, orange or a few leaves of mint.
  • If you still forget to drink enough, save a reminder on your phone.
drink enough water

Alternatives to pure water

It just doesn’t work. Whatever you’re going to do, you just can’t get around to drinking enough. Don’t give up yet!

If you don’t like water, there are also substitutes and the following are particularly good:


We recommend that you prepare enough tea the day before or in the morning that you can have it all day. Green tea, for example, is very tasty and healthy, but so are red fruit tea or chamomile tea.

You can make hot tea and then let it cool; But now there are also tea bags for cold tea. On warm summer days you simply add a few more ice cubes and you have a refreshing drink.

The tea can of course also be drunk hot in the classic way, but should not be additionally sweetened with sugar or honey. Stevia is okay and a few drops of lemon.


At this point we need to pay attention to the details. We tend to believe that the juice from the supermarket, in bottles or in Tetra Paks, provides us with the amount of water we need. Thats not really correct.

Why? Although juices contain a lot of water and can quench our thirst, they also contain sugar, preservatives and other additives. And fruit extracts. They don’t count as fruit.

Refreshing juice if you don't like water

So it is better for you to prepare your own juices. You can easily squeeze oranges or grapefruits to do this.

This is how you get a very tasty juice. Mixed drinks are also good if you don’t add milk or other solid foods like almonds or raisins to them.


And what if we just eat a lot of fruit ? There’s a lot of water in there ! And it tastes a lot better!

In addition, you supply your body with lots of healthy nutrients, satisfy your appetite and make your diet a bit healthier.

But remember to consume the fruit raw and pure, i.e. not cooked and without sugar, cream, chocolate or the like. Why not prepare yourself a multicolored fruit salad?

The fruits with the highest water content include:

  • Melon and honeydew melon
  • peach
  • pineapple
  • kiwi
  • cherry
  • strawberry
  • Apple
  • grape
  • orange
Oranges contain a lot of water


Many vegetables also contain a lot of water. For example in:

  • cucumber
  • salad
  • pumpkin
  • celery
  • Cabbage
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • aubergine

Not all of these vegetables can be eaten raw, however. But they can all be processed into a variety of delicious dishes and if you have to cook them, then as gently as possible in steam.

You can look up the water content of the individual fruits and vegetables if you want to work out how much water you have consumed in the evening.




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