How To Stay Awake While Driving: 9 Tips

Fresh air and a pleasant temperature in the car are important factors that keep you awake while driving. On the other hand, excessive heat makes you drowsy.

How to stay awake while driving: 9 tips

It can be fatal if you fall asleep behind the wheel. Being awake while driving is therefore an important step in avoiding accidents.

Car journeys are convenient and often seem tempting compared to taking the train or bus. But you should always make sure that you are rested, especially before long journeys. Because anyone who sits behind the wheel for a long time is only too easily gripped by sleepiness.

Therefore, always prepare for long car journeys. Be vigilant and follow a few simple tips to keep your attention from getting overwhelmed by fatigue.

In this article, we’ll show you the most important tips on how to  stay awake while driving .

Wake up while driving – that’s how it works

1. Take a good rest before you set off

Get enough sleep while driving

If you have a long drive ahead of you, you should get at least 7 hours of sleep the night before.

A good, restful sleep will help you stay awake and alert throughout the journey.

Scientists have shown that people who don’t get enough sleep have trouble concentrating the next day. 

If you’ve already been on the bike in the morning, your ability to react at the wheel is reduced.

2. Eat only light meals while driving

Drivers who eat heavy meals during a long journey increase their risk of falling asleep along the way.

When the body has to spend too much energy digesting a high-fat or unhealthy meal, less remains for the brain. As a result, we often feel tired. A light, balanced snack while driving can save your life!

3. Eat a healthy breakfast

Breakfast keeps you awake while driving

The first meal of the day provides you with energy and gives your body what it needs to be alert and focused for a long time. Body and psyche must be fully functional for a car trip.

Your breakfast should therefore be high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. This way you are well prepared for the first half of the day.

4. Make sure there is good ventilation in the car

Ventilation keeps you awake while driving

It is often uncomfortably warm in the car, especially on hot days. Warmth and too little oxygen make the body tired quickly.

A cool breeze, on the other hand, will keep you awake and help you focus. Avoid any external factors that make you excessively tired or stressful.

Among other things, heat leads to:

  • Tension
  • Dizziness
  • nausea

All of these factors come at risk when you are behind the wheel.

5. Take breaks

Breaks keep you awake while driving

Having to concentrate on the road for a long time takes a lot of energy and makes you sleepy in the long run. A good way to avoid this is to take short breaks to get some fresh air and take a moment to relax.

It has been proven that taking short breaks increases the ability to concentrate and improves brain activity. Take a break every two hours for at least 10 to 15 minutes. This relaxes and improves alertness – this is the only way you will be able to react quickly when you need it.

6. Don’t drive too fast

Drive slowly awake while driving a car

Even if driving fast may make you more attentive for a short time, in the long run it will tire you even faster. In addition, the risk of accidents increases even further due to high speeds.

Drive at a moderate speed and save your strength.

7. Don’t drive between 2am and 5am

Daylight keeps you awake while driving

Your body has an intense urge to sleep, especially between 2 and 5 a.m. It is during these hours that you usually reach the strongest relaxation phase.

Your nervous system relaxes during this time and the risk of falling asleep behind the wheel is particularly high.

8. Alcohol makes you sleepy and inattentive

no alcohol awake while driving a car

You already know: Driving a car under the influence of alcohol is dangerous and also prohibited. Even in small amounts, alcohol has a relaxing effect on the body and reduces the ability to react.

Beer and other alcoholic beverages affect the neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for the perception of fear. This means that we do not correctly assess dangers.

  • Some medications, such as antidepressants, sleeping pills, or allergy medications, can have a similar effect.

    9. Take someone with you

    Accompaniment keeps you awake while driving

    Having a co-pilot to talk to will keep you awake while driving. This is particularly useful at night so as not to suddenly fall asleep.

    Two people also see more than one. Your companion can point out things that you might otherwise overlook. Last but not least, you can take turns driving.

    • Make sure that the passenger does not fall asleep. Otherwise, it also increases the risk of the driver falling asleep.

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