How To Overcome Emotional Exhaustion

If you feel that emotional exhaustion is paralyzing you, you need to find ways to overcome exhaustion.

How to Overcome Emotional Exhaustion

Emotional exhaustion is a kind of self-protection of the body that wants to signal us clearly: this far and not a step further! You should listen to your body, change something and find your way out of a state of utter exhaustion. Let me help you with that too!

Emotional exhaustion: when the barrel literally overflows

Emotional exhaustion occurs when we exceed the psychological quota of what we can direct, control, and channel. We speak of emotional burdens such as stress, everyday worries, interpersonal tensions, fears, the weight of the past, fear of the future and even existential fear.

We all know very well what physical exhaustion is; we know how to identify the symptoms and pay adequate attention to the state in which our body can no longer give itself and needs rest.

But how does emotional exhaustion feel? As strange as it may seem, emotional exhaustion is not that easy to spot. Moreover, we also do not know how to respond effectively to it and offer a useful and effective psychological coping strategy even without outside help.

What we very often do is “swallow” one feeling at a time. We put the feelings individually in our personal backpack, without paying attention to their weight and how they affect our well-being and our quality of life.

Every day we move more slowly due to the weight of the backpack, with less enthusiasm, with motivation on the ground. Today we suggest that you become aware of this kind of fatigue, emotional exhaustion. Identifying and managing them properly can change your life.

How am I emotionally exhausted?

Emotional exhaustion goes beyond simple stress or fear. It occurs above all in people who experience high emotional stress due to their work or special situation.

For example , professional activities such as doctors, nurses, firefighters, teachers, etc. often cause very intense emotions that cannot be processed in their everyday life.

Facts such as caring for sick people and living in a very demanding family environment also create a high level of emotional exhaustion.

How do you recognize this exhaustion?

We said it at the beginning: people know how to recognize physical exhaustion, but we do not always become aware of emotional exhaustion. The following symptoms indicate this:

  • Hypersensitivity: A mood in which the smallest things hit us deeply and hurt us , we are much more sensitive, we cry for almost no reason, we quickly get angry at everything …
  • Difficulty concentrating : We have trouble concentrating and remembering.
  • Feeling of unreality: Sometimes we feel that the world is on one side and we are on the other, as if we are not part of the here and now, of what surrounds us.
  • Negative Thoughts and Low Motivation : Two Aspects that, if not controlled, can lead to depression.

Emotional exhaustion, in turn, often results from physical exhaustion. However, it does not matter whether you sleep 10 hours, because the feeling of physical exhaustion and loss of energy is constant with emotional exhaustion.

Overcome exhaustion

Sooner or later we become aware that “something is happening to us”. Sometimes, after turning our attention to the physical symptomatology and seeing that ordinary medicine does not give us any relief, we realize that the source must be a little deeper.

Learning to channel, manage, and heal our emotional complex is not easy, it is not something we learn at home or at school. However, we have our own resources that we can all put into practice:


Mindfulness is in vogue. Besides seeing it as a meditation technique, we also need to understand it as a kind of philosophy. Mindfulness helps us become aware of what is happening in our body and mind.

Mindfulness allows us to be present. What matters is the here and now. Also, it is very useful to stop the flow of negative thoughts, stress, and negative emotions.

With mindfulness we will understand the importance of promoting dialogue with ourselves in calm and harmony.

Quality time for yourself

When was the last time you took time for yourself? We talk about the quality time in which we can relax, harmonize desires with actions, in order to align ourselves with our heart in a holistic sense …

Sometimes something as simple as walking or even talking to friends can be healthy and healing.

Learn to relieve yourself of pressure

Relieving emotions is like removing weight from our backpack, relieving it, throwing away those stones that prevent us from moving forward. How can we free these stuck feelings in us and thereby relieve ourselves?

  • We can ask for professional help.
  • Conversations with colleagues, with good friends or with people in the same situation can help us.
  • Keeping a journal is also very helpful.

Exercising, painting, or other activities that distract us can help us put tension and negative emotions into perspective.

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