How To Clean And Polish Wood With Home Remedies

We can also clean our wooden furniture with natural home remedies. After all, it doesn’t always have to be chemicals that are harmful to the environment!

How to clean and polish wood with home remedies

Wood is an ubiquitous and elegant material that can be found in every home: kitchen furniture, living room cupboards or floors … It is very popular and makes for a nice, cozy home.

But it is important to keep the wood in good condition. Over time it can crack, darken and break … What can we do?

You’ve probably already spent a lot of money on chemical products to keep it shiny.

Today, however, we would like to reveal a few tricks that are as effective as they are inexpensive, and which lead to the same result.

So discover with us today how you can clean and polish wood in the easiest and cheapest way.

1. Wood polish with almond oil

Almond oil polishes furniture

You probably know the benefits that almond oil has in daily beauty care.

With the help of this product you can prevent wrinkles and streaks, make dry skin supple and even treat dry hair and split hair ends.

Did you know that almond oil is also very useful for maintaining materials like wood? Be careful what it can do for your furniture and floors:

  • Almond oil repairs dull and cracked wood and smoothes its surface.
  • In addition, thanks to its composition, it gives the wood a very beautiful shine.
  • It offers your furniture protection for up to 5 days.
  • It is very well suited for surfaces that are not too large, such as tables, chairs or medium-sized pieces of furniture.

    How can you prepare an almond oil-based polish?


    • 10 ml of water
    • 10 ml of almond oil
    • a dry cotton cloth


    • It is important to make sure that the water should never be hot. W we hen to warm water with an essential oil blend, so you may lose its properties.
    • The production is very simple: As soon as you have mixed the water with the almond oil, all you have to do is moisten the cotton cloth in it and use it to clean the wooden furniture that you want to care for and shine. The oil stays on the furniture and dries by itself.

    Cleaner for demanding wooden surfaces

    Vinegar is very versatile

    There are sure to be some surfaces in your home that are causing you difficulties: a floor, figures or a wooden railing on your stairs.

    Over time, they are damaged and also darken. What can we do? You will see how easy it is to maintain this long-term damaged wood.


    • 250 ml of water
    • 50 ml of white vinegar
    • a cotton cloth


    • First mix the two ingredients in a container and then soak the cotton cloth in it. Then use it to clean those surfaces on which the wood appears dirty or lackluster. You will see what a good result you can achieve in this way.

    Homemade cleaner for wooden floors

    Floor care with natural means

    Do you have a wooden floor? Do you regularly spend a lot of money on products that are supposed to take care of it and give it a long-lasting shine?

    Then don’t hesitate to try this simple trick. You will notice how you can achieve the same goal with him without burdening your wallet too much.

    One of the ingredients in this conditioner is tea tree oil. We have told you many times about the many advantages of the tea tree.

    He made the best natural disinfectant you can find. It is ideal for the care of various surfaces and also ensures a beautiful shine.

    Tea tree oil is available in health food stores or pharmacies. Incidentally, it is inexpensive and has a wide range of uses. This not only applies to daily house cleaning, but also to beauty.

    You can also use it to prepare an antibacterial hand gel, for example, which is very practical.


    • 250 ml of lukewarm water
    • 50 ml of white vinegar
    • 10 drops of tea tree oil


    • For our floor cleaner, we first heat 250 ml of water, but only lukewarm, never hot. Then we add the white vinegar and the aforementioned 10 drops of tea tree oil. Again we use a cotton rag or mop.
    • You have two options for cleaning the wooden floor. The first is a little strenuous, because you have to dampen the cloth and then rub the entire surface with your hand.
    • The second variant is easier. All you need to do is use an atomizer and first moisten the wooden floor. Then you wipe with the mop and gradually remove all the dirt.
    • The wood is clean and shiny! And the smell is very pleasant too!

    These natural cleaners are also environmentally friendly!

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