How Many Cups Of Coffee A Day Are Healthy?

Coffee reduces stress and acts like a natural antidepressant. When you drink coffee, serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine are produced, which ensure well-being.

How many cups of coffee a day are healthy?

Delicious coffee aroma in the morning … who doesn’t like it, coffee for breakfast or after dinner? But how many cups a day are healthy?

You can learn more about it in this post.

5 reasons why coffee is healthy

1. Lots of antioxidants

The aromatic drink contains valuable antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals such as  magnesium, manganese and chromium.  It also has a prebiotic effect.

An American study two years ago found that most people consume more antioxidants from coffee than from fruits and vegetables, as more of them are generally consumed.

2. Helps against stress

This may sound strange, but a study by the University of Seoul  found that coffee altered proteins in the brain, reducing stress. But be careful: This only applies if you drink a maximum of one or two cups a day. With a higher consumption, exactly the opposite is the case.

3. Reduces symptoms of Parkinson’s

You’ve probably heard about it: a 2012 study published in Science Daily magazine found that regular coffee drinkers are  less prone to Parkinson’s disease. Those already affected can better control their movements with the delicious drink.

4. Good for the liver

The aromatic drink nourishes and protects the liver and is excellent for treating fatty liver and liver cirrhosis, for example.

Various active ingredients such as carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, alkaloids and other bioactive substances  such as caffeine, diterpenes, chlorogenic acid etc. are excellent for protecting the liver.

5. Keeps you in a good mood

This delicious drink works in a similar way to a natural antidepressant in that it stimulates the production of the messenger substances  serotonin, dopamine and noradenaline. So perfect for breakfast.

How many cups of coffee a day are healthy?


Coffee is not equally well tolerated by everyone; some people get nervous with it or suffer from insomnia. Others hardly notice the effect.

There are also people who develop heartburn or other side effects from it. So everyone has to know for themselves how much they can take. However, it is generally recommended not to drink more than three cups a day.

Of course, the size of the cup and the type of coffee must also be taken into account. Many nutrition experts and medical specialists recommend consuming a maximum of 500 mg of caffeine per day.

You can adhere to the following guidelines per cup:

  • Decaffeinated instant coffee: 1 mg of caffeine
  • Instant coffee: 40 mg
  • Filter coffee: 30 – 40 mg
  • Expresso: 200-250 mg caffeine.

So you can safely enjoy 2-3 coffee cups a day.

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