How Lemon And Ginger Could Help Against Migraines

Lemon and ginger can help us both in the prevention and treatment of migraines. It is helpful to reduce dairy products, animal proteins and fats in order to improve the state of health

How lemon and ginger could help against migraines

Many suffer from migraines, especially women, and it is very difficult to find an effective treatment to improve symptoms. Here you can find out how lemon and ginger could help against migraines.

Often the pain can only be endured shielded in a dark, quiet room. This reduces your quality of life, influences work and family relationships and also has a very negative influence on mood.

In this article we will show you how you can use lemon and ginger against mirage

Causes of Migraines

Migraines can have various causes and this makes it difficult to find a holistic form of treatment.

Naturopathy integrates the various factors and aims to treat them.

The most common reasons for migraines are:

  • Indigestion
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Eye problems or visual overload
  • Tension in the jaw
  • Dental infections
  • Tension and blockages in the cervical spine
  • high blood pressure
  • anemia
  • Kidney problems
  • Sinus infection

Elimination of toxins

The reasons that we mentioned above usually resolve themselves when we rid our body of pollutants and allow it  to find a natural balance.

The elimination of harmful substances can have a positive effect on blood pressure and anemia, regulate the digestive and endocrine systems and eliminate excess fluids and phlegm.

And that’s exactly why  lemon and ginger are very effective.

The lemon


The lemon is a fruit that, thanks to its diverse properties, helps us treat numerous health problems.

It is one of the best natural remedies for cleansing and detoxifying the body. The lemon tastes sour, but has an alkaline effect in the body. It also aids digestion and  helps break down fats, which are often the trigger for migraines.

It is also ideal for treating cardiovascular disease.

If you buy organic lemons, you can also eat the peel, which is full of nutrients.

Out of curiosity, you can try the following old home remedies that were often used in the past. For migraines, put half a lemon on each wrist, then let it sit for 10 minutes. You will see that the pain will soon ease.

The ginger


The ginger root ( Zingiber Officinale ) has been used for medicinal purposes in the East since ancient times. It has a very distinctive, slightly sweet, refreshing and spicy-spicy taste.

In addition to improving migraine pain, ginger also has numerous other health benefits:

  • It helps prevent ovarian, prostate and colon cancer,
  • improves digestion,
  • activates the metabolism,
  • also helps with nausea and dizziness,
  • warms the body,
  • relieves pain in general and sore throat in particular,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • combats water retention in the body,
  • helps prevent infections and then strengthens the immune system,
  • has an expectorant effect,
  • helps with menstrual cramps as well as abdominal cramps and
  • also protects the cardiovascular system.

Ginger can be taken dried, as a powder, freshly grated or in thin slices.

How is lemon and ginger juice made for migraines?

Every morning you prepare the following drink:


  • 2 organic lemons with peel
  • 5 spoons (50 g) fresh ginger, peeled.
  • 2 liters of water
  • Stevia extract for sweetening.


  • You prepare this drink in a blender.
  • You put the quarter-cut lemon with the peel and then the ginger in the blender.
  • Then you add 2 liters of water and stevia and mix all ingredients for 2 minutes on a medium level.
  • Then sift the juice.

    The juice is then drunk as follows:

    • 2 glasses before breakfast
    • 3 glasses in the morning
    • 3 glasses in the afternoon
    • and then 1 glass before bed

    When does this treatment make sense?

    We can carry out this treatment in two different ways:

    • If you already have migraines until you start to feel better. For the treatment to be effective and lasting, it is important to avoid all animal products  (dairy products, animal proteins, fried foods and other harmful fats) and foods that are difficult to digest.
    • As a preventive measure, this juice is then taken every three months for 15 days or at times when you are particularly prone to migraines.

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