How Do You Make Alkaline Water And What Are The Advantages?

The acid-base balance can be balanced with alkaline water.

How to make alkaline water and what are the benefits?

Alkaline water is a form of ionized water that acts as a powerful and natural antioxidant, helping the body get rid of excess acids that are produced by the natural digestive process.

This water has a negative oxidation level (ORP) and has a strong antioxidant effect thanks to the production of hydroxide ions.

The ions promote oxygen production and help fight free radicals.

At the same time, they balance the body’s acid-base balance, thus renewing cells and counteracting signs of aging.

Alkaline water acts as a natural acid neutralizer, so it balances the acid balance in the body and thus prevents the development of many diseases.

It also helps with heartburn, a common health problem.

How do you make alkaline water?

In general, it is advisable to buy effervescent tablets to alkalize the water. Another option is to have your own machines that can convert tap water into alkaline water.

However, since these two options are not available to many people, we would like to introduce you to 3 home remedies for making alkaline water.

Method number 1

For this variant you need two vessels. Fill one of them with water and pour it into the other empty vessel from a great height. Repeat this process several times, because the watering creates bubbles in the water, which alkalize it well after about eight or more rounds.

The water you use is usually pH 7.2. This method raises this value by 0.5 percent, which is still not much, but is enough to alkalize your body.

Method number 2

The second variant is to boil the water for five minutes and alkalize it at home. After this period of time, the pH will normally have risen from 7.2 to 8.4.

This value is sufficient to balance your acid-base balance. Some recommend drinking the water hot, but it still has an alkaline effect even after cooling.

Method number 3

The final home remedy for making alkalized water is to dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.

This increases the pH of the water from 7.2 to 7.9. To be considered basic, water should have a pH above 7.3. If the pH value rises further, the basic effect is also higher. But don’t overdo it.

What are the benefits of drinking alkalized water?

It promotes healthy digestion


Drinking alkaline water promotes detoxification and prevents the accumulation of pollutants in the body. Various diseases can be prevented by eliminating toxins.

It is highly recommended for chronic diarrhea, upset stomach, gastrointestinal disorders and constipation.

In addition, this water supports the digestion of food and neutralizes the acidic stomach, the main cause of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Prevents diseases

In the long run, consuming alkalized water can prevent diseases such as the following.

Diabetes, asthma, dermatitis, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, Meniere’s disease, insomnia, obesity, back pain, neuralgia, menopausal symptoms, hemorrhoids, chronic amoebic dysentery and others.

Prevents premature aging

Skin aging

The accumulation of toxins in your body slows down cell renewal, which can lead to premature aging.

Alkalized water promotes the detoxification of your body and then increases the oxygen uptake of the cells, which can counteract early signs of aging.

It also fights free radicals, which are the cause of many diseases and promote faster aging.

Combats water retention

As already mentioned, the regular consumption of this water then helps to cleanse the body and removes pollutants and excess acids.

Toxins affect your health and can then cause problems such as water retention.

Since a balance of the pH value in your body is promoted, the cells no longer have to hold back fluids in order to then fight against acidity.

That boosts your circulation.

Prevents osteoporosis

Drinking alkalized mineral water promotes the flushing out of solid deposits such as uric acid and kidney stones with the urine.

This helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, as this releases calcium that was previously bound in said deposits. The pH of your blood will recover with it.

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