How Do You Know If A Man Wants You As An Affair?

If a man in steady hands is interested in you as an affair, you will surely not believe this at first and will overlook the first signs.

How do you know if a man wants you as an affair?

Are you even coveted as an affair by a man in steady hands? Do you want this and if so, how do you deal with it, how do you find out and how do you go about it? You decide the latter yourself, but there are behaviors that clearly show that a man who is firmly in a relationship is interested in you …

Does he want an affair?

Whether he wants an affair even though he is in a committed relationship or marriage is not always easy to fathom. If you are interested in flinging, watch out for hidden signals this man is sending you.

The signals that a man who is ready to flirt are not always the same as they would be in an open flirtation. Maybe his partner is there or good friends who would condemn an ​​affair?

But mostly you can find out by observing carefully whether the man is just looking for some distraction or is actually out for an affair. Pay attention to the following signals:

Man wants fling

He looks at you

Whether consciously or unconsciously: if a man is interested in you, then he looks around at you more often than usual, maybe watching you in moments that he thought goes unnoticed or looks at you offensively, looks at you for too long or looks at you a tad too long deep in the eyes.

If you return the looks, this can be interpreted as a signal of interest – you are also sending out signals!

He is looking for you

Maybe you are already friends or acquainted with each other, so that it is easier for him to seek your presence. Perhaps he speaks to you more often now, calls you or is looking for more contact in another way than you would otherwise have him as friends or acquaintances.

Maybe he touches you “by chance” one or the other time, maybe he suggests a meeting without his partner or other friends or looks for your closeness and attention in another “inconspicuous” way.


He tells personal stories

Trust between friends or acquaintances is nice, but if a man suddenly talks about himself privately that he should only share with his wife or partner, then this could be a sign that he wants more from you than just his worries and problems discuss.

An affair, however, usually exacerbates the problems, which is why you, as a real friend, should be careful …

He compares you to his partner

Sentences that start with “in contrast to my wife / partner, are you …” followed by positive comparisons, then this is a pretty sure sign that he has increased interest in you and admires or even desires you.

A loyal and loving man would never put his own wife or partner in the shade when compared to other women!

Conversation between man and woman

He wants to go out with you

You know he could take his wife out to dinner too or meet her in the evening. But he would like to meet you alone. Are you sure that the evening will end harmlessly and that it will not result in a planned or unplanned affair? Be clear about this before the meeting.

He shows jealousy

Are you dating another man who is just a good friend or acquaintance and he’s acting jealous about it? A very clear indication that the jealous man is very interested in you! Even when he’s in a relationship.

Woman on the phone

He’ll call you if you have any problems

Especially when he asks you for advice about problems in his relationship, you should pay attention and consider: Are you now giving serious, honest and friendly advice, or are you offering him a shoulder to lean on and maybe even more ?

He shows up everywhere

The man does not belong to your social environment, but still appears more and more “by chance” where you are or where you meet your friends ? A very clear indication of increased interest in you. Talk to him directly if you don’t want an affair, otherwise you will feel stalked.

He pushes himself into the center

The man wants your attention and not drowned in a group of friends or a crowd. He wants to be seen by you and perceived positively. It behaves a bit like a bird at courtship and, like a peacock, keeps showing off its most beautiful sides.

If you recognize these behaviors in a man who is actually in steady hands, one thing is clear: He is out for an affair. Now you just have to decide whether you want to accept this “offer”, which can often get too big stones rolling and in the end trigger a painful avalanche for both of you …

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