How Can You Prevent Spider Veins?

Massages can be very effective in activating the blood circulation in the legs and improving the appearance of the broom riders. The effectiveness can be further improved with essential oils.

How can you prevent spider veins?

Spider veins are small veins that shimmer through the skin. Not only are they unsightly, but over time they can lead to more serious problems like varicose veins.

There are several causes of spider veins. The bad news is that once you have it, you can’t get rid of it. In this post you will find various tips on how you can naturally prevent the ugly veins

Causes of Spider Veins

Perhaps you have already spotted dark blue or purple veins on your legs that shimmer through your skin, but you don’t pay much attention to them.

Don’t forget to treat the spider veins appropriately,  otherwise other ailments may arise over time. 

Varicose veins can cause uncomfortable pain and even impaired walking. Some people can no longer wear certain items of clothing and can no longer perform various activities.

You can have a medical diagnosis made and you can find out for yourself what causes you might be behind it. Lifestyle also plays a major role.

The causes of the small veins that shimmer through the skin can be:

  • obesity
  • Sedentariness
  • Tobacco use
  • family history
  • Circulatory disorders

Tips to prevent spider veins on the legs

Spider veins

Then we recommend you to change various everyday habits and name different foods that can help.

Improve blood circulation

Good blood circulation is essential, so you should do low-intensity exercises and activities. For example, you can take your dog for a walk, bike ride, or swim in the park.

Raising your legs is also highly recommended if you make yourself comfortable on the sofa in the evening. You should also be careful not to sit or rest too long and change your position as often as possible.

Lose weight

Obesity is one of the main causes of spider veins and varicose veins. This means that the legs have to carry too much weight and the veins have to work harder to transport the blood back to the heart.

Try to shed a few pounds on a balanced diet to relieve pressure on your lower limbs.

Wear support stockings

Support stockings are not only recommended for longer flights. You can benefit from it every day, not only if you sit in the same position for a long time. Support stockings are available in pharmacies or specialist shops.

However, first seek advice from your doctor as to whether you should really wear support stockings in your case in order to avoid other symptoms.

Leg massages

In the evening, when you get home, it is best to massage your legs using circular movements. You should do this at least a couple of times a week to activate blood circulation.

Use an oil that supports the effect. Lavender oil, olive oil or other (essential) oils are ideal for this.

Elevate your legs at night

The easiest way to do this is to put pillows under your feet to prop up your legs. You can also use wedges to raise the foot of the bed so it is higher than the head of the bed .

Another way to get better blood circulation is to put your legs up against a wall for a few minutes. The shoulder stand (candle) is also ideal for this.

Better nutrition

You should include more antioxidants in your diet. These support the health of the veins and strengthen them. Bioflavonoids can also help.

These active ingredients are particularly found in citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit.

Natural remedies for spider veins

In addition to the measures outlined above, it is advisable to consume certain foods regularly to prevent them. The following foods can help:



These delicious berries are excellent for improving blood circulation. They widen the veins, prevent blood clots and also strengthen the vein walls.

In addition, cranberries are rich in bioflavonoids. It’s best to eat a handful of these berries every day. They are also very tasty in fruit juices and salads.


This plant has numerous health-promoting properties that we can benefit from both internally and externally.

It improves the condition of the veins and prevents the spider veins from getting worse over time or through bad habits. Marigolds repair damaged tissue, have anti-inflammatory effects, and reduce swelling.

You can buy a natural marigold ointment and then apply it to your legs every night before you go to bed. Here we have a recipe for you that you can use to make a home remedy yourself:


  • 1 handful of marigolds
  • a little water


Crush the flowers with the water until a thick paste is formed. Apply this paste to the affected areas and then leave it to work overnight. Just rinse off the next day. It is best to repeat this treatment every day for at least a month.

Witch hazel

Varicose veins

Witch hazel has an astringent effect and promotes blood circulation. This also relieves the heaviness in the legs that can arise from varicose veins. The best thing to do is to prepare a tea with this plant.


  • 1 spoonful of dried witch hazel (5 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)


Scald the plant with the hot water. Drink this infusion as soon as it has reached the ideal temperature.

You can also use witch hazel topically. Simply let the infusion get cold and then apply it to your legs with some cotton wool.

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