How Can You Avoid Gallstones?

The liver and gall bladder regenerate in the early morning hours, so it is better to eat very little in the evening so as not to overwhelm these organs.

How can you avoid gallstones?

Gallstones are hard, crystal-like deposits that are formed in the bile due to excess fat, with the cholesterol level also playing a major role. Most affected are blonde, overweight women over 40 who have several children.

In the following, we will introduce you to various foods and additives that can improve the functionality of the bile and prevent stone formation.

Existing  gallstones can be made smaller, especially if genetic factors play a role.

Gallstones: Harmful Food

For the sake of the liver and bile, you should definitely avoid the following foods:

  • alcohol
  • Fried
  • Red meat
  • Pre-cooked dishes
  • Dairy products
  • White sugar
  • margarine
  • Artificial sweeteners

You should also know that the liver and bile regenerate early in the morning. It is therefore better to eat little or early in the evening so that the food does not have to be digested at night.

Below we list some recommended and health-promoting foods and additives.

Red rice yeast

Red rice yeast comes from the oriental culture and helps reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol, as well as increasing good cholesterol levels.

Since gallstones are closely related to cholesterol levels, it is recommended to take this rice yeast for a while.

Red rice yeast is available in tablet form, as a powder and as an extract.

Black radish

The black radish is a wild plant whose origin is unknown. It has numerous health-promoting properties, and it is particularly recommended for the stomach and liver.

It contains fiber, amino acids, vitamins of the B group, vitamin C and minerals. Particularly noteworthy are glucosinolates, which increase the production of bile and make it easier to empty the bile.

It is therefore advisable to consume this root if the liver is overloaded or if you have digestive problems . We can also eat the black radish after a heavy, plentiful meal to aid the organism with digestion.

Usually the root is used. You can prepare them whole or as a salad or use them to decorate the dishes.


Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus) was originally used in the Mediterranean, it is of European origin, but can also be found in Asia in part.

It increases the production of bile and prevents stones from building up in the bile and bile ducts.

This medicinal plant can be taken as a tea or extract. Pay attention to the indicated amounts.

vitamin C

Vitamin C is very healthy for our immune system and it also helps prevent the crystallization of bile deposits.

Vitamin C can be taken in tablet form throughout the day. Of course, you can also consume enough foods with vitamin C every day.

Coffee enema

This is a very old remedy that many people still use today. It consists in doing washes with roasted organic coffee powder. To do this, boil three tablespoons of coffee for five minutes on high heat and then for 15 minutes on reduced heat.

Then you filter the coffee. As soon as it has cooled down a bit, we use half a liter for the washes. Lying on the right side, we should try to hold out for 10-15 minutes.

This remedy is very effective and can help even those who have had their bile removed.

Lemon and olive oil

This simple remedy helps with morning cleansing as well as strengthening the bile. We simply take a spoonful of natural lemon juice and a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil every morning on an empty stomach.

Then we wait half an hour and drink one or two glasses of lukewarm water. After a while we can have breakfast. By the way, this method also helps with constipation.

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