How Can Body Odor Be Stopped

ei unpleasant body odor, regular daily personal hygiene is the best weapon.

How can body odor be stopped

If your health is important to you, you want to save some cosmetic products or are looking for a “Plan B” because the conventional deodorant has dried out unexpectedly, then read on. How can you  stop body odor ?

In this article we explain some natural home recipes to eliminate bad  body odor and feel pleasant freshness.

Daily hygiene

If you have an unpleasant body odor, regular daily personal hygiene is your best weapon. The eccrine sweat glands are almost all over the body. They cause the sweat, which mainly consists of water, to cool down.

This is comparable to an air conditioning system. The apocrine sweat glands are located in the armpits and on the groin and produce sweat that performs various functions.

The most important function is to remove excess residues, which consist of microscopic fat particles as well as other substances.

The sweat of the apocrine glands is the main cause of the unpleasant body odor. Bacteria feed on fat and other secretions and their residues cause the unmistakable, extremely unpleasant exhalation.

The strength of the odor depends on the amount of sweat and the number of bacteria in the skin. People with a strong armpit odor have two or three times more bacteria than other people.

The best prevention is to thoroughly remove sweat and bacteria through regular hygiene. The armpit and groin area should be washed at least once – if necessary several times a day – with soap and water, preferably with an antibacterial soap.

Closet cleaning

The smell of old sweat smells even stronger and more unpleasant, and old sweat stains are particularly repulsive on clothing. The less used items of clothing should be checked and, if necessary, washed.

Be careful with your diet


Heat causes increased sweat production, but there are other reasons as well. Spicy foods such as B. chilli peppers also cause increased sweat production.

Many nutrition experts suspect that in countries with hot climates, the dishes are enriched with hot spices because the human organism feels cold when the body temperature rises.

For this reason, you should avoid fiery spices. In addition, garlic and onions should be consumed within limits if there is a tendency towards increased body odor.

The sulfur content of garlic and onions can make sweat odor stronger, especially when consumed in large quantities. This is also the case with other spices.

Cigarette consumption and body odor

Smoking has endless disadvantages: it is harmful to health, causes tooth decay and the aging process is also incredibly accelerated. Smoking also causes unpleasant body odor.

The smoke penetrates the lungs and opens its way through the whole body. Cigarette smoke contains more than 7000 products as well as chemical substances. Some of these are expelled through the skin, causing bad body odor.


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