How Can Aloe Vera Help With Diabetes?

Before using aloe vera for diabetes, you should consult your doctor to make sure that this remedy is also recommended for you.

How can aloe vera help with diabetes?

Aloe Vera is a very popular natural remedy that can help with various ailments. Today we’re going to tell you how this plant can help with diabetes.

Various studies carried out on humans and animals show that aloe vera helps to reduce blood sugar levels in just under two months.

These results were achieved in both insulin-dependent and independent patients.

The external use of aloe vera can care for the skin and prevent the consequences of diabetic foot.

Do not forget that with this disease one should pay attention to the right diet and also do enough exercise.

Consult your medical officer if you have any doubts. They can confirm whether aloe vera is beneficial for you too.

Why does aloe vera work against high blood sugar levels?


Aloe Vera contains various active ingredients, which then improve the health of diabetics.

Regular consumption reduces blood sugar levels and also helps prevent sugar spikes that diabetics can experience during the day.

  • Emodin is an active ingredient contained in aloe vera that has blood sugar-lowering properties.
  • Aloe also provides fiber and mucilage, which not only have a filling effect, but also regulate sugar absorption.
  • At the same time, aloe vera is rich in fructose, a plant-based sugar that is then slowly absorbed. This can then prevent hyperglycaemia.

    A plant that contains blood sugar regulating minerals

    Aloe Vera is a plant that contains minerals that are very beneficial for diabetics. This includes:

    • Chromium normalizes blood sugar levels and promotes the production of insulin.
    • Manganese is essential to the natural production of insulin.
    • Magnesium is often too small in diabetics.

    How is aloe vera correctly consumed in diabetes?

    Aloe vera

    For aloe vera to be effective  in diabetes , this plant must be consumed in the purest possible condition.

    It is therefore a good idea to have a plant at home that can be used immediately, rather than buying ready-made products.

    Aloe Vera is very easy to care for, you can grow it in the garden or on the balcony, but you have to make sure that it is not too cold in winter.

    The recommended daily amount is two tablespoons (30 g) of aloe gel  (found inside the leaves).

    This allows you to reduce your blood sugar level by up to 50% over a period of 2 months.

    If you have fresh aloe leaves, all you have to do is wash them well and cut them open to remove the necessary gel. Then you can protect the rest of the sheet with a plastic film and store it in the refrigerator.

    Treating Diabetes With Aloe

    Aloe gel

    Not only is aloe very helpful internally for diabetics, this plant can also be very effective in treating problems such as the diabetic foot. 

    Diabetes can in fact lead to decreased sensitivity in the feet, as the nerves are damaged.

    Then the affected person does not feel wounds, cuts or blisters on the feet and if these are not treated in time, this in turn can lead to infections or ulcers.

    However, if the diabetic applies aloe to their feet on a daily basis, they  can reduce the risk of a diabetic foot.

    In this case, aloe gel has the following advantages, among others:

    • It moisturizes the skin.
    • It promotes wound healing.
    • Relieves pain.
    • It protects against cracks.

    The gel is applied with a gentle massage. However, you should n’t use it on the spaces between your toes as moisture could promote athlete’s foot.

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