Homemade Natural Fabric Softener

Even if it smells freshly of “sea” or “nature” – most of the fragrances and chemicals contained can be dangerous to health, especially for children.

Homemade natural fabric softener

The fabric softener ensures that the laundry remains pleasantly soft after drying and does not become rigid. It also gives the garments a pleasant scent. But natural fabric softener is better than chemical one.

There are a wide variety of brands available in stores for a relatively low price. But did you also know that commercially available fabric softeners contain many substances that are harmful to health and the environment? 

Even if it smells freshly of “sea” or “nature” – most of the fragrances and chemicals contained can be dangerous for your health, especially for children.

Experts point out that most  fabric softeners contain chemicals that can cause skin reactions or respiratory problems such as rhinitis. In addition, many of these chemicals are very harmful when they enter the body.

Skin contact can also have undesirable consequences that are not always noticed immediately. Sometimes these only show up after days or weeks.

Commercially available fabric softeners contain phthalates, which are responsible for the pleasant scent, but have led to changes in the hormonal balance in tests with animals.

The use of fabric softeners can not only be harmful to health, these products are also harmful to the environment.

That is why we recommend using ecological and healthy alternatives. These are inexpensive and effective,  but have no harmful side effects. Here you can find out how natural fabric softener is made.


How is a natural fabric softener made?

Then you will learn how you can make a natural and inexpensive fabric softener yourself, which ensures pleasant, soft laundry and removes bad odors. You probably have all of the ingredients at home.


  • 10 g baking soda
  • 150-200 ml of hot water
  • 800 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 20 drops of an essential oil of your choice
  • Plastic container with a capacity of 3.5 L.

Natural fabric softener – manufacture

  • It is important to use a large plastic container as the softener will increase in volume. Mix the hot water, baking soda and apple cider vinegar in the plastic container. This leads to a chemical reaction, with many bubbles rising.
  • As soon as the whole thing has calmed down, you can then add the essential oil of your choice so that the fabric softener smells nice. Shake everything well and then store the container in a cool place.
  • This fabric softener is then used in exactly the same way as commercially available products.

Tip:  It is best to shake well again before use. 4 tablespoons of fabric softener are sufficient for one wash.

  • This fabric softener ensures soft, clean and pollutant-free laundry. It is particularly recommended for colored and dark laundry.
  • If you have allergies or respiratory problems, this fabric softener is excellent – it gives the same results as a commercial product, but with no side effects. In addition,  the homemade fabric softener cleans the washing machine from dirt that has stuck in the small holes.
  • Don’t doubt to use this fabric softener every time you wash. The clothes are pleasantly cuddly and smell excellent. 

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