Home Remedies That Can Help Against Herpes

If you put a layer of petroleum jelly on the wound, it is protected from bacteria and healing is promoted.

Home Remedies That Can Help For Herpes

Herpes, also called “cold sores” or “cold sores”, is an annoying viral disease that – once the virus is in the body – is just waiting to break out.  Here we will show you what you can do to make the herpes go away faster!

Everyone knows herpes, but few really know exactly what it is. The herpes virus usually enters our body in childhood. In most cases, the child does not notice anything, no one knows exactly when he was infected from whom and how.

One thing is certain: the infection takes place from person to person, the pathogens cannot be transmitted in food or from animals. Once the virus is in the body, it can take years to notice.

The infected nerve cells serve as a lifelong pathogen reservoir from which the viruses can break out again and again. Certain triggers cause an outbreak. Many things come into question as triggers for the virus to multiply again.

Irritation of the skin, burns, intense sun or UV radiation, minor injuries, dental treatment, stress, menstrual problems, fever, tumor diseases – theoretically almost every everyday situation can cause a herpes flare-up.

Fortunately, the immune system intercepts many possible causes.



You cannot eradicate the herpes virus in the body, you can only help to ensure that the cold sore heals as quickly as possible and the symptoms go back. There are of course many expensive remedies in the pharmacy, but home remedies can also help – try them out!

Toothpaste for herpes

It looks weird, especially if the toothpaste is green or blue in color, but it can actually help: the pasta allows the bubbles to dry out and “seal” them. That way they heal faster.

Tea tree oil

The oil from the Australian tea tree is a multi-purpose weapon and can also help against herpes! The oil has a disinfecting effect and helps your cold sore to heal.

Just carefully rub some tea tree oil on the cold sore with your finger over and over again. The oil works best if you use it at the first tingling sensation.



Honey has mild antibiotic properties and has a wound healing effect. Apply thinly and don’t lick off – as tasty as it is!


Sun protection

Since excessive UV radiation can also trigger cold sores, you should use a day cream and lip care with a sun protection factor. This also protects against premature aging!

Ginger root


The fresh ginger root also has a disinfectant effect. That is why ginger is particularly popular for treating sore throats. You can also use fresh ginger for herpes.

Always cut off a fresh slice and place it on the tingling area. Renew again and again, the ginger slices dry out and then no longer work!


Propolis is a substance made by bees that helps against viruses, bacteria and fungi. In this way, the bees protect their honeycombs from attack by microorganisms. There are creams with propolis, but it’s best to get propolis straight from the beekeeper and use it straight away.



Also Garlic acts as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory and helps you that the cold sore does not spread. Use it with the first tingling sensation! Always cut freshly and use it to coat the area.

Ice cubes

Ice cubes

Ice only helps in the early stages. To do this, wrap an ice cube in a towel or washcloth, never press the ice cube unprotected onto the skin, as this can cause freezing and this irritates the skin and makes everything worse!

Black tea

Brewed black tea bags, cooled in the refrigerator, help through the tannins they contain, that the vessels contract and that the cold sore can dry out and heal better.

Please use pure black tea, no flavored teas or even with fruit!

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Use an aloe vera gel with the highest possible concentration for this. Dab on again and again throughout the day, this will shorten the healing process! Aloe vera has a healing effect and can also accelerate the healing of other skin diseases.

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