Home Remedies For Cracked Heels

Do you also suffer from cracked heels? A few simple home remedies will make your feet wonderfully soft again. Try it!

Home remedies for cracked heels

Cracked heels are a sign of poor foot care, dehydration, and sometimes health problems. In this article you will learn which home remedies can help against cracked heels.

Usually only the outermost layer of skin is affected, but sometimes the cracks can be deeper and very painful. If the heel skin dries out and is additionally stressed by the body weight, this problem increases.

In rare cases, this can also be a sign of a zinc or omega-3 deficiency.

Regardless of the cause  , it is an aesthetic problem that is uncomfortable and in some cases painful. But there are various home remedies  for cracked heels . Subsequent problems can thus be prevented.

Lemon and glycerin – home remedies for cracked heels

Lemon and glycerine for cracked heels

This natural treatment helps soften the skin on your heels and counteracts the dryness that is responsible for the rough, cracked skin.

What should I do?

  • Prepare a foot bath with hot water and then add coarse sea salt, glycerin, lemon juice and rose water. The feet are then bathed in it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then remove the soft skin on the heels with a pumice stone.
  • Make a mixture of glycerin, lemon juice and rose water and then apply it directly to the rough heel skin. Put on a couple of socks, then let this mixture work all night.
  • This treatment is carried out for four to five days.

Healthy oils

Often times, lack of moisture is the main cause of rough, cracked heels. Essential vegetable oils are an excellent home remedy for cracked heels, keeping the skin hydrated and treating the problem.

What should I do?

  • Use coconut or olive oil generously to moisturize the rough skin on your heels.
  • Then, put on cotton socks to let the oil work all night.
  • Then wash your feet the next morning and repeat the treatment every day.

Banana and avocado mask

Avocado and banana for cracked heels

This banana and avocado mask moisturizes the cracked heel skin  and also improves its appearance.

What should I do?

  • Make a paste of a ripe banana and an avocado, then apply it to the cracked areas of the skin.
  • After half an hour of action, you can rinse off this mask with water.

Treatment with petroleum jelly and lemon juice

Vaseline and lemon juice are also excellent against cracked heels. They help soften the hardened areas and significantly reduce the cracks.

What should I do?

  • Soak your feet in hot water for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then dry the feet well and apply a mixture of one tablespoon each of lemon juice and petroleum jelly. Then, put on cotton socks and let this mixture work all night.

    Paraffin treatment

    Foot treatment with paraffin

    This remedy  is also excellent for cracked heels that cause discomfort and pain.

    What should I do?

    • Mix some paraffin with coconut oil or mustard oil and warm up in a water bath. Mix everything well and then let it cool down.
    • As soon as the mixture is just lukewarm, apply it to your heels, then put on your socks and let it work all night.

    Honey for supple skin

    Honey has excellent properties for the skin: it supplies it with moisture and also makes it softer.

    What should I do?

    • Dissolve a cup of honey in a foot bath with lukewarm water.
    • Then bathe and massage your feet in it for 15-20 minutes.

    Peeling with rice flour

    Rice and rice flour

    This rice flour scrub softens the skin and reduces hardened areas, making it  ideal for treating cracked heels.

    What should I do?

    • Prepare a mixture of 2-3 tablespoons of rice flour, honey and apple cider vinegar.
    • Soak your feet in lukewarm water for 20 minutes and then apply this mixture using circular movements.

    Peeling with oats

    This natural oat peeling  makes the skin on the heels softer and smoother and improves the appearance.

    What should I do?

    • Make a paste using a tablespoon of oatmeal and some jojoba oil.
    • Then massage the mixture onto the affected areas in circular movements, let it work for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

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