Home Remedies For Coughs Made From Cinnamon And Ginger

Did you know that you can make a simple home remedy for coughs from cinnamon and ginger yourself?

Home remedies for coughs made from cinnamon and ginger

Cinnamon and ginger are two very healthy and medicinally effective spices. In this article, we’ll show you how you can make a simple  home remedy for coughs yourself.

The ginger and cinnamon drink will help you get rid of your cough faster. It also has other great properties. Read on to find out more.

Get rid of annoying cough

Woman coughs

Coughing is a body reflex designed to keep the airway clear. Cough can either be dry or throw up phlegm. It is one of the main symptoms of a cold, flu, or catarrh.

However, some people also suffer from a chronic cough. Often it occurs at night and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

There are quite a number of natural home remedies for coughs : medicinal plants, homeopathy, syrups, lozenges and so on. But there are also natural remedies that you can easily make at home. They’re inexpensive and the ingredients are easy to come by.


Cinnamon is an exotic spice that is used in cooking all over the world. It is particularly suitable for sweet dishes and spices up cookies, ice cream, desserts or pancakes. But it is also used in hearty cuisine in some cultures.

But did you know that cinnamon also has medicinal properties?

  • It relieves coughs and sore throats.
  • Cinnamon improves digestion and is effective against gas, nausea and heartburn.
  • It can lower blood sugar levels. This makes it a good drug for type II diabetes and people with insulin resistance.
  • Cinnamon also lowers cholesterol.
  • It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It also contains powerful antioxidants.
  • Cinnamon has a slightly stimulating effect, but has no side effects.

To benefit from the many positive properties, you should use Ceylon cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon from China, on the other hand, has less beneficial properties.



The roots of the ginger are spicy, hot and refreshing. Ginger is used a lot in Asian cuisine. It has a number of digestive properties and goes well with many sweet and savory dishes.

Ginger improves the absorption of nutrients from food, which is why it is particularly valuable as an ingredient.

In addition, just like cinnamon, ginger has a number of medicinal benefits:

  • Ginger loosens mucus in the airways, soothes coughs and warms the throat.
  • It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • It improves digestion and acts against heartburn and flatulence.
  • Ginger also helps with constipation.
  • It stimulates the metabolism and perspiration.
  • Ginger strengthens the immune system and fights free radicals.
  • In women, ginger has a balancing effect on the hormonal balance.


Honey in a bowl

Honey is the best sweetener for your cough syrup. It contains a lot of nutrients and has a slight antibiotic effect. In addition, honey has proven itself in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make it the ideal home remedy for coughs.

Make home remedies for coughs yourself


  • 1 stick of Ceylon cinnamon or 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger, peeled, or 1 teaspoon of ground ginger
  • Honey to taste
  • 600 ml of water


You can prepare this home remedy in two ways:

  • If you’re using fresh ginger and a cinnamon stick, you should boil both in water for 15 minutes. Then let the tea steep for 10 minutes.
  • If you’re using ground ingredients, you can put them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes as well
  • Let the tea cool down a bit and add honey to taste.
Cinnamon and lemon tea


  • Drink the tea hot, or at least warm. However, be careful not to burn yourself or irritate your throat.
  • Take small sips of the home remedy. You can gargle with it too.
  • It is best to take the tea on an empty stomach, for example before meals.
  • If you want to prevent a cough or sore throat, you can drink the tea preventively for a few days. To treat a cough, drink it daily until the cough subsides.

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