Healthy And Practical Breakfast

In order to provide the body with sufficient energy for the whole day, breakfast should make up between 20 and 25% of the calories consumed daily.

Healthy and practical breakfast

A healthy breakfast with sufficient nutrients and vitamins provides energy and a good mood for the whole day. The breakfast is the most important meal of the day, the organism is again supplied with the necessary nutrients namely after several hours without food.

But we are often in a hurry in the morning and do not attach enough importance to breakfast. That is why we will then give you various practical and healthy tips to start the day with lots of energy and vitality.

Dairy products, fruits and cereals should not be missing from a balanced breakfast. You can also include meat products (like bacon) and small amounts of sweet foods.

The most important thing is an adequate combination of the different foods, which of course should also taste good. Read our suggestions and put together the ideal breakfast for you.

Our suggestions

  • Dairy products: 1 serving (milk, milk powder, yogurt or kumys).
  • Cheese or substitute: 2 servings (a thin slice of cheese, 1 egg, 1 slice of bacon or 1 sausage)
  • Flour or cereal products : 1 serving (corn flatbread, bread, toast, biscuits or cereals)
  • Drinks : 1 glass (fresh orange juice or other fruit juices and a hot drink)
  • Fruit : 1 serving.

If possible, avoid foods that are high in fat or fried foods.

If you are primarily looking for a practical solution, you can have the following combinations for breakfast:

Cereals with Milk: If you like cereals this is an excellent choice. A wide variety of cereals are available in stores, it is best to choose those with little sugar and a lot of fiber.

* It is best to use low-fat milk and also fruits with which you can naturally sweeten the muesli.

Fruit Salad:  You can mix smaller amounts of fruits like mango, papaya, strawberries, and banana. A fruit salad is easy to digest and highly recommended if you don’t do very strenuous physical activities during the day.

Sandwich: You only need 2 slices of toastbroat, a slice of sausage or bacon and a slice of cheese. You can also prepare the toast with butter and jam and drink a juice or coffee with it.

Do not forget…

Breakfast should make up between 20-25% of your daily calories. Provide your body with enough energy in the morning so that you are fit and vital throughout the day.

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