Green Tea – When Is The Best Time Of Day For This Drink?

The greatest advantage of green tea is undoubtedly the valuable antioxidants it contains, especially the flavonoids.

Green tea - what is the best time of day for this drink?

Are you also one of the lovers of green tea ? This has a strong health-promoting effect and is therefore recommended daily. But when is the best time of day for this delicious drink?

And how many cups can you drink from it? In this post you will learn more about it so that you too can benefit from the benefits of green tea.

Why is green tea so healthy? Does it also have disadvantages?

  • The greatest benefit of green tea is undoubtedly the  valuable antioxidants it contains,  especially the flavonoids. Doctors also recommend green tea because it’s a natural source of vitamins and other nutrients. For example, it contains catechins, which strengthen the immune system and fight diseases.
  • Green tea also helps you lose  weight. The secret is that green tea activates the metabolism and works against fluid retention. Of course, it is only an additive that can support an adequate diet and sufficient exercise.
  • The cancer-inhibiting properties  of green tea have been examined in numerous studies  , including in connection with bladder, ovarian and pancreatic cancer. Is there any conclusive data? Unfortunately, no. It is assumed that the contained antioxidants reduce the risk by 10-12%, but disease cannot be ruled out. Even so, consuming green tea every day is very helpful.
  • Consuming 1-3 cups of green tea a day can prevent numerous cardiovascular diseases,  reduce triglyceride levels and also improve cognitive abilities. This millennia-old drink not only tastes good, it also has numerous health benefits.

Does green tea also have side effects?

Green tea
  • Never drink more than 5 cups a day, because  too much of a good thing can lead to headaches, palpitations or diarrhea.
  • Medicines should not be taken with the tea For example, if you are taking a headache pill, it should not be done with green tea, as this may worsen the pain. The best thing to do is to get advice from your doctor!
  • If you suffer from  palpitations, high blood pressure or  anemia, you should avoid green tea altogether. This makes the absorption of iron more difficult.

When is the best time of day for green tea?

Green tea

The best time to have a cup of green tea is  20 minutes before or after meals. Do you know why? Here are the reasons:

  • If you want to lose weight,  you should drink the tea 20 minutes after eating. This improves fat burning and eliminates fats before they are absorbed by the body.
  • If you want to improve your protein and mineral balance,  you can drink a cup of green tea before meals. This means that magnesium, catechins, vitamins C and E are better absorbed by the body.
  • Incidentally, green tea is also recommended for children because – as already mentioned – it contains numerous antioxidants and vitamins. In this case, a cup a day before meals is recommended. The tea can be sweetened with a spoonful of honey (never sugar!).

How many cups of green tea a day?

  • We recommend 1 – 3 cups of green tea a day,  more than 5 cups should never be drunk. As already mentioned, you could otherwise experience a rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure or dizziness.
    • You should n’t use more than 3 g green tea for a cup  .  So you never exceed 10 g during the day.
    • You shouldn’t take any green tea 2 hours before going to bed, as it could affect the quality of your sleep.

    While green tea has numerous benefits, some days should be taken a break. To avoid problems, it is advisable, for example,  to drink green tea for 10 days and then take a 10-day break. 

    So you can benefit from all the advantages without suffering from the side effects.

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