Green Smoothie With Spinach, Lemon And Apple

Green smoothies are healthy and rich in chlorophyll

Green smoothie with spinach, lemon and apple

They have even found their way into the supermarket: green smoothies. Get to know a green smoothie with spinach,  lemon and apple here.

Many believe that green leaves and delicious drinks are mutually exclusive, but in fact it is very different. Often a healthy smoothie only gets the right taste kick from this “green stuff”.

Green smoothies

Green smoothies are drinks that are made from fruits and vegetables with the addition of water. They usually get their green color from green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, kale and others.

Smoothies must not contain sugar and should be free from animal ingredients such as cream, milk or yogurt. It is about the pure power of plants.

Green smoothie

Are Smoothes Healthier Than Juice?

Clearly: yes! In a smoothie, fruits and vegetables are only pureed, not juiced.

This means that all ingredients such as valuable carbohydrates and all secondary plant substances are included. That would not be the case with juice, since fiber from the skin and pulp in particular is disposed of when juicing.

But it is precisely in the shell (keyword: bitter substances, fiber) that there are often such valuable ingredients!

A smoothie is usually freshly prepared and therefore contains more vitamins than a juice that has to be made durable by heating in bottles or tetra packs.

Even a finished smoothie from the refrigerated shelf contains more phytochemicals and vitamins than a juice that is just as chilled in the supermarket.

Green smoothie

Are smoothies low in calories?

A smoothie, no matter what color, consists only of plant-based ingredients. However, this does not mean that smoothies are fat-free, because vegetables can also contain fat!

Just think of the avocado, which is a little fat bomb with 15g of fat per 100g. No fear! This fat is a healthy, vegetable fat that has a lot of calories, but also has positive effects on your health!

Smoothies are not necessarily low in calories, because you consume concentrated fruit and vegetables with a smoothie.

On the one hand this is good, on the other hand you can be tempted to consume more through smoothies than you would actually eat if the fruit or vegetables weren’t pureed.

Little trick: just imagine (even with juice!) The amount of fruit / vegetables that were on the table before pureeing / juicing. Would you manage to eat the same portion all over again? Certainly not! So leave the second glass.

Green smoothie

How are green smoothies made?

In principle, green smoothies are just as easy to prepare as all other smoothies. You only have to wash the fruit and vegetables, if available, remove the core and puree with a stand mixer, blender or hand blender.

Because the whole fruit including the peel is used (also with vegetables), you should opt for food of organic quality.

For some smoothies you need a stand mixer that is particularly powerful, as some green leafy vegetables (cabbage, wheatgrass, …) have very strong fibers that many mixers cannot chop up.

On the contrary: The fibers can cover the knives in blenders with a low wattage and thus prevent the fruit or vegetables from being further chopped up.

So if you’re passionate about green smoothies, then you should think about investing in a powerful stand mixer. A hand blender is sufficient for most other smoothies .

Green smoothie parsley

Why green smoothies?

Green smoothies are particularly rich in chlorophyll, the green plant pigment. Chlorophyll is one of the phytochemicals and is viewed as particularly beneficial to health, especially in naturopathy.

Chlorophyll is found in all green and green-blue plants. This includes fruits and vegetables, but also algae. Kale, nettle, parsley and spinach contain a particularly large amount of chlorophyll .

Spinach smoothie

Green smoothie made from spinach, lemon and apple

This spinach, lemon and apple recipe  is a great introduction to the world of green smoothies. You can also make it with less powerful blenders. You need:

  • 1 handful (40-50 g) fresh spinach
  • 1 apple (doesn’t have to be green)
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 200 ml of water

Wash the spinach well to remove sand and soil. Remove the core of the apple, but do not peel it! Now fill the spinach, lemon and apple into the blender and let it run until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

If your blender does not have enough watts, a few small pieces of apple peel will remain in the finished smoothie. However, this only disturbs the eye and not the taste!

The green smoothie with spinach, lemon and apple is ready. Have fun mixing!

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