Getting Rid Of The Double Chin: Effective Exercises

A double chin can indicate a health problem, but is usually only an aesthetic problem.

Getting rid of the double chin: effective exercises

Nobody likes having a double chin because it makes the face appear round and thick, even if the shape of the head is rather elongated. Here we give you tips on how to get rid of your  double chin .

However, if the double chin occurs relatively suddenly without gaining weight, you should consult a doctor and clarify whether your new double chin is more than just an aesthetic problem. 

What exactly is a double chin?

Strictly speaking, the so-called “double chin” is not a chin at all , but simply a fold of fat that hangs under the chin on the upper neck area.

The term “bacon folds” already indicates the cause: overweight.

But if you are slim and still have a double chin or think that you are not “overweight enough” to justify the double chin in being overweight, you should definitely consult a doctor to clarify what is behind your double chin.

If the area on your neck is thicker than usual, this could be an indication of a thyroid disorder or an indication of iodine deficiency, for example .

Get rid of the double chin

Double chin despite weight loss?

Many overweight people report that the double chin is still there even after a diet. There can be two reasons for this:

For one thing, the diet may not have been as successful as believed and the weight loss is due to loss of muscle mass rather than pure fat. Unfortunately, this is very often the case.

On the other hand, if you were very overweight, the excess skin under the chin can no longer completely recede and you can still see your previous overweight. This phenomenon is called the “fat apron” on the stomach.

The term “double chin” is a lot nicer, isn’t it?

So that a double chin does not arise in the first place or your existing one is softened, you can try the following tips against a double chin:

Double chin

Getting rid of the double chin: effective exercises

Various muscles run in the neck. If they are well trained and fit, this has two effects on the double chin: firstly, you carry your head more upright, raised and straighter and secondly , well-trained muscles cause the overlying skin to tighten a little.

Perhaps you can get rid of your double chin with these exercises. Try it!


One exercise to train the muscles and tendons around the neck is the “grandma face”. To do this, pull your lips inward into your mouth over your teeth so that you look like a toothless old man.

Then, like an extreme smile, pull your mouth wide. Do you feel the tension Hold for 10 seconds, then loosen and repeat a total of 10 times.

Conscious shaking of the head

Malicious tongues claim that the most effective double chin exercise is to shake your head whenever unhealthy food is offered.

This is actually not a bad approach, but consciously shaking the head (even without unhealthy food) also trains the neck muscles.

Simply move your head more slowly and consciously from right to left and feel the muscles working. Shake your head 10x, then pause and repeat 5x. And shaking your head over fried foods, sweets and high-calorie drinks also works very well …

Fist against chin

An exercise to strengthen the neck muscles is very simple: clench your hand into a fist and press it against your chin from below. Now build up with pressure by pressing your head against your fist so that the lower jaw and fist press against each other.

Hold the tension for 10 seconds and relax again. Repeat 10 times. You can also do this at your desk!

Mouth open!

Open your mouth wide as if you wanted to scream really loud. Then close it again and open it again very wide. This exercise strengthens the jaw muscles, which can help tighten your face a little and smooth your double chin a little.

Getting rid of a double chin: more tips

Usually a combination of many things helps to get rid of the double chin. However, an effective, healthy and therefore long-term weight reduction is always particularly important.

Apple diet

Weight reduction

A double chin is and remains a fold of fat. Get advice on how to carry out a sensible, balanced weight reduction in which the weight loss actually consists of fat (which is in the fold of fat under the chin) and not just water and muscle mass.

You can’t see the difference on the scales – but in the mirror. Get coached by nutritionists!


Good posture

A double chin is immediately more intense if you pull your head back, pull your shoulders up, or tilt your chin towards your chest. Practice a straight, upright posture. Raise your chin, lower your shoulders, carry your head upright on your neck.

With taut, sloping shoulders and a raised chin, you achieve a proud posture, the neck tightens. That is the posture of an elegant ballerina!

A double chin often appears more intense because we are constantly pushing our heads back unconsciously due to a bad working posture at the PC and thereby tensing our shoulders.

A massage loosens the shoulder muscles and your head can be carried in a natural position again.

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