Getting Rid Of Fleas With Kieselguhr

kieselguhr is the safest way to get rid of fleas and ticks. While it is deadly to parasites, it is safe for humans and pets.

Eliminating fleas with diatomaceous earth

Everyone who has or has had pets has had to deal with fleas at some point. But what can be done to get rid of fleas ?

These hated animals are outward parasites that live on warm-blooded animals. They are very common to find in dogs and cats, and controlling them can prove to be a difficult task.

If there is a flea epidemic at home and especially pets are affected, you have to find some way to get rid of the parasites.

There are tons of products out there that are very effective but rich in chemicals that can harm both animals and ourselves.

  • An alternative but effective form is diatomaceous earth or kieselguhr.
  • This is a rock that consists of the fossilized remains of an alga with a very hard shell (diatoms).
  • While it is safe for use on humans and animals, thanks to its sharp edges it is deadly on insects and parasites as it dehydrates and dries them out.

Spread of fleas

Elimination of fleas

When a female flea gets into a pet’s fur, it lays its eggs in it.

Not only is this a problem, the eggs also fall off very easily, leaving them on carpets, furniture, or in the animals’ baskets.

Wherever the animal is, these eggs are likely to be found and ready to hatch.

So you are dealing with larvae that hide in carpets, pillows, armchairs and even cracks in the floor.

The treatment to get rid of this plague must be constant, otherwise it can lead to a relapse, both in the animal and in the whole house.

If you have not yet found a solution to get rid of the pests, today we are introducing you to an excellent technique based on diatomaceous earth.

Treatment based on diatomite to get rid of fleas

Elimination of fleas

This treatment should focus on the animal’s preferred areas, be it the bed, rug, pillow, or even the lawn in the garden.

Diatomaceous earth is available in hardware stores, garden centers or horticultural companies.

However, it is very important not to buy a swimming pool product. It must absolutely be food grade diatomaceous earth.

These are the steps to take:

  • Using gloves and a face mask or protective mask, apply a small amount of diatomaceous earth to the animal and rub it into the fur.
  • Brush the animal with a comb to distribute the flour all over the fur.
    Note: Be careful not to get it in the animal’s ears or eyes.
  • Spread diatomaceous earth on the carpet or bed where the animal sleeps. It is important that the animal remains outside the room at this point until the dust has settled again.
  • The flour must get into corners, cracks in the wall or in the floor. In the case of carpets, it is necessary to dust them with the flour and then leave them for a few hours or preferably overnight before removing the product.

You can shake it out afterwards, but the best option is to use a vacuum cleaner to prevent dust from escaping and affecting the pet.

Do not forget a corner when getting rid of fleas

  • In places that are known to be a gate for ticks and fleas, you can make some kind of barrier out of diatomaceous earth to keep the parasites out of the house.
  • Outside, you should spread the flour over cracks in the wall and especially in the garden. Grass and plants in general are the areas where most fleas are found, so it is important that you apply the flour there.
  • If you have trees in your garden, it helps if you sprinkle the flour on the bark. The same goes for bushes, fences, and any other place where the pesky parasites can live.
  • If the pet has been in your vehicle, it is advisable to put diatomaceous earth on the seats, under, and on carpets to kill fleas or ticks that have fallen off.

    Do the same with the carpets around the house: leave them for a few hours, then vacuum them.

    • It is advisable to repeat the flea elimination procedure every 2 weeks to get rid of any new fleas or ticks that have come into the house during this time.

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