Gelatine With Honey And Turmeric: Perfect Against Inflammation

Delicious and very healthy: you too can benefit from this delicious recipe!

Gelatine with honey and turmeric: perfect against inflammation

Gelatine with honey and turmeric: it  looks delicious at first glance! But these yellow cubes not only taste delicious, they also hide wonderful health-promoting properties!

This can alleviate a wide variety of complaints. Here some examples:

  • common cold
  • discomfort caused by arthritis
  • Back pain

The delicious cubes are pure natural medicine from which everyone can benefit. Discover the many advantages too!

What can gelatin with honey and turmeric do for me?

Make gelatine with honey and turmeric

Not only you, your children will be delighted too. Use an interesting silicone mold for this, so that the gelatine is also a feast for the eyes for your children!

Why is gelatin with honey and turmeric so healthy? Then you will learn more about all the benefits for you and your family.

A “candy” that protects the cardiovascular system

The active ingredient curcumin gives the turmeric root its characteristic yellow color and also makes it particularly healthy.

  • One of the most important properties is the health-promoting effect on the heart.
  • Turmeric improves the function of the endothelium (a tissue that covers the inside of all blood vessels) and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect thanks to the antioxidants it contains.

When combined with organic honey, the gelatine cubes also contain important flavonoids.

  • Flavonoids are secondary plant compounds that reduce the risk of heart disease.

    A great natural anti-inflammatory

    Inflammations are often caused by external pathogens (e.g. bacteria) that cannot be fought off by the immune system.

    • Inflammation is a defense mechanism and therefore important in the healing process.
    • When inflammation becomes chronic, however, it is a problem. This is often caused by arthritis or swollen legs from fluid retention.
    • Curcumin is a natural dye that penetrates the body’s cells and soothes inflammation. 
    • Organically produced honey is one of the best natural antibiotics.

    Gelatine with honey and turmeric is therefore perfect for supporting the immune system. It’s worth eating a few gelatin cubes every morning to fight viruses, bacteria and infections …

    Gelatin cubes relieve back pain

    Gelatine with honey and turmeric for back pain

    Back pain is particularly common in poor posture, sitting or standing for long periods of time.

    There is usually no time for rest, which is why many resort to pain relievers such as ibuprofen.

    • Both turmeric and honey relieve pain similar to ibuprofen.
    • Curcumin is a polyphenol used in natural medicine to improve the quality of life in people with osteoarthritis.

    If you take the gelatine with honey and turmeric regularly, you can use it to relieve back pain in a progressive way.

    It is an ideal addition to a healthy diet. The gelatine can sometimes replace a pain reliever  and thus protect the liver!

    How is the gelatine prepared?

    Gelatine with honey and turmeric production


    • 1 cup of natural orange juice (250 ml)
    • 2 spoons of turmeric (10 g)
    • ½ cup of very hot water (125 ml)
    • 2 spoons of honey (50 g)
    • ¼ cup natural gelatin (65 g)


    • Mix the orange juice with the turmeric powder.
    • Then heat the two ingredients over a medium flame and add the water with the honey. Mix everything well with a wooden spoon and slowly heat the mixture.
    • Then slowly dissolve the gelatin. Keep stirring. Slowly reduce the fire.
    • The liquid is getting thicker and thicker. Fill them into the silicone molds provided.
    • Then put the molds in the refrigerator so that the gelatine can cool down (not in the freezer!)

    Now all you have to do is wait a few hours before you can eat the gelatin with honey and turmeric.

    The prepared cubes can be stored for up to a week and also  frozen if you cannot eat that many at once. The health-promoting properties are retained.

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