Fruit Juices For The Natural Cleansing Of The Body

The juice therapy supplies the organism with important nutrients that are necessary to alleviate various ailments and improve the functioning of the body.

Fruit juices for natural body cleansing

Fruit juices are met with great enthusiasm by many, because it is assumed that natural fruit juices are beneficial to health. In order for this to be the case, the juices must be made from fresh fruit and raw vegetables (if possible organic).

If you consume fruit juices regularly, you can detoxify your body and stay healthy and fit for a long time.

In the following we will explain to you what a therapy with fruit juices looks like. The juices are not only extremely tasty, they also provide our body with valuable vitamins and minerals.

Fruit juices and their benefits

During a fruit juice therapy, all organs responsible for cleaning (skin, lungs, kidneys and liver) work faster than normal. In this way, the accumulated toxins are easily eliminated. This is also a great time to give your digestive tract some time off.

With the juices from fresh fruits and vegetables, we can provide our body with a large amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and natural sugar. In this way, many functions can be normalized and improved. The regeneration of the cells is improved and the nutrients are better distributed.

Another advantage of a treatment with fruit juices is the regulation of the acid-base balance. Over-acidification of the body can make it more susceptible to diseases. The consumption of organic minerals that can be easily absorbed, e.g. potassium, silicon, calcium etc. helps the body to create new businesses and prevent premature cell aging.

Besides, fruit juices also contain some  medicinal elements, hormones and antibiotics.

Fruits and vegetables for all kinds of diseases


If the body is too acidic, the following fruits and vegetables are particularly suitable: grapes, bananas, oranges, carrots and spinach.


The following foods are recommended for acne: grapes, pears, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach and potatoes.


To treat allergies, the juices should contain fruits such as apricots, grapes, carrots and spinach.


This disease can be improved by consuming grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, celery, carrots, spinach, and lettuce.


Apricots, bananas, strawberries, grapes, celery, carrots and spinach are particularly recommended for people with anemia.


This disease can be relieved by using peaches, lemons, carrots, and celery.


We recommend that you put lemons, pineapples, peaches, tomatoes, onions, strawberries and spinach on your menu.

Problems with the bladder

Cucumbers, apricots, lemons, celery, carrots, and blueberries work wonders for bladder problems.


We recommend lemons, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, grapes, onions, celery and spinach.


Apples, bananas, pears, grapes, lemons, grapes, spinach and cress help here.


Discomfort can be reduced by consuming citrus fruits, celery, lettuce and spinach.


Here papaya, lemon, pineapple, carrot, and celery are very beneficial.


We recommend grapes, figs, carrots, celery and spinach.


Eat cherries, pineapples, cucumber, carrots, and spinach.


Papaya, oranges, pineapple, carrots, spinach, cress and beetroot help with hemorrhoids.

a headache

Eat grapes, lemons, grapes, lettuce, and carrots to relieve pain.

heart problems

Here, the consumption of grapes, bananas, lemons, grapes, cucumbers and cabbage is recommended.


Apples, carrots, celery, cherries, lettuce and tomatoes help here.


Eat bananas, oranges, lemons, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, and parsley.

Disorders in the menstrual cycle

If you suffer from these ailments, eat grapes, plums, cherries, spinach and lettuce.


The consumption of bananas, papaya, grapes, strawberries, cabbage and tomatoes is highly recommended.


If you are overweight, we recommend consuming the following foods: lemon, grapes, cherries, pineapple, papaya, tomatoes, cabbage and lettuce.


This problem is alleviated with the help of apples, apricots, lemons, celery, blueberries, asparagus and spinach.

Varicose veins

These are treated with grapes, oranges, grapes, tomatoes and beetroot.

Drink recommendation

Tomato juice

The fruit juices should be consumed immediately after preparation, only as much is prepared as you can drink. The juices should not be stored, because in this way valuable vitamins for our health are lost.

We recommend that you enjoy a juice every three hours. One serving is about 250 milliliters. Before the first juice in the morning, we recommend that you consume:

  • 1 glass of lukewarm water with a splash of lemon juice
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • 1 small spoon of vinegar

This is how our body is perfectly cleansed.

As mentioned earlier, juices made from fresh fruits and vegetables help cleanse the body naturally. This is how we can cure and prevent diseases. So don’t forget about these delicious fruit juices!

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