Finally An End To Bad Breath

A quick and efficient method to combat bad breath is to use mouthwashes made from essential oils on an empty stomach every day

Finally an end to bad breath

Bad breath affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it. It is a very bothersome problem that affects even the emotional state of these people.

Halitosis, as bad breath is known in technical terms, can also be a symptom of various underlying diseases that should be treated in the interests of the health of the entire organism.

In this article, we’ll explain what causes bad breath and how to fight bad breath naturally.

General information on bad breath

Halitosis is a disease that affects more people than we might think: on average, one in three people also suffers more or less from bad breath.

This number may surprise us as those affected usually try to hide their bad breath. To do this, they often avoid everyday situations in which they have close contact with other people.

Bacterial deposits

In almost half of all cases, bacterial coatings on the tongue are responsible for bad breath.

These can be caused by poor oral hygiene, but a diet rich in sugars and other refined products can also cause such deposits.

Teeth should be brushed after every meal. We also recommend using a tongue cleaner, especially if the tongue is white or greyish in color.

With the help of the tongue cleaner, we can easily remove the bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the tongue.

But we can also fall back on an ancient remedy with which we can eliminate the toxins that accumulate in the mouth and in the upper part of the digestive tract.

This method is also known as mouth rinsing with oil or oil pulling, it is very easy to use. To do this, we have to rinse our mouths daily for 10 to 15 minutes with a high quality vegetable oil.

In another article there is additional information on how you can take action against bad breath in a completely natural, inexpensive and simple way.


The nicotine addiction

This habit must also be addressed because the smell of cigarettes is one of the most unpleasant, especially for non-smokers .

It is not just about the actual smell of tobacco, because this is intensified by toxins that accumulate in the smoker’s body and damage him.

If you are a smoker, it becomes very difficult to get rid of your bad breath without giving up smoking.

There are many natural therapies that can help with smoking cessation. They include homeopathic treatments, acupuncture and Bach flower therapy.

Nicotine addiction

Respiratory diseases

A lesser known cause of bad breath is upper or lower respiratory disease. Mucus, as well as foci of infection, which in this case can be found in the respiratory tract, lead to bad breath.

To combat halitosis caused by respiratory diseases, we also recommend the following:

  • Drink at least two liters of water daily in addition to what you include with meals.
  • Make sure your diet doesn’t contain excessive dairy products and flours.
  • Air your home regularly, especially the bedroom.
  • Decorate your home with plants that provide better air quality. Efeutute is suitable for this, for example.
  • Use a nasal douche to rinse your nose.
  • Inhale with medicinal herbs that help eliminate mucus from the airways. You can also drink corresponding teas. Such medicinal plants are, for example, eucalyptus, pine, mint and ginger.
Respiratory diseases


Indigestion is one of the rarer causes of bad breath, but it is quite difficult to treat. The stomach or liver can be affected, so relatively extensive therapy is needed to cleanse the digestive tract.

A balanced, natural diet is particularly important in this case. But there are also natural remedies that serve us well in treating digestive disorders.

Here are some medicinal plants, spices and foods that support the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and stomach.

  • Boldo
  • mint
  • dandelion
  • Milk thistle
  • turmeric
  • ginger
  • Black pepper
  • lemon

If you are among the people who often suffer from constipation then  is an appropriate prophylaxis recommended. Here, too, we can achieve a lot through our diet. The following foods will help you regulate digestion:

  • Plums
  • Raisins
  • linseed
  • Flea seeds

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