Fatty Liver – What Can I Do?

You can use stevia to sweeten the dishes. You shouldn’t eat fruit every day and also avoid sucrose and fructose.

Fatty Liver - What Can I Do?

A fatty liver is relatively common in our modern society. For years it has been called the most common liver disease. Those affected suffer from pain and various complaints such as tiredness, swelling, digestive problems, etc.

It is therefore important to know how we can improve our quality of life. To do this, we need an appropriate diet and a little exercise. These two aspects are most important if we are to keep our liver functioning as it used to.

Reasons for a fatty liver

It is not clear why fatty liver develops. Experts say that the reasons for this are very diverse. We list some of them below:

  • Problems with our metabolism.
  • stress
  • Obesity
  • Nutritional problems
  • diabetes
  • Excessive consumption of  sugar and fats
  • Occurrence of toxins in the body.
  • Other diseases, such as  hepatitis or intestinal inflammation, etc.

Diet for a fatty liver

Diet plays an important role in fatty liver disease. We should also control our calorie intake so that we can prevent bloating.

A severe digestive and chronic Müdigkei be t often typeset with this disease associated. Now the question arises: what should we eat?

  • Dietary fiber:  it is essential. They help us develop a feeling of fullness and then less fat and less sugar is absorbed.
  • Whole grain bread, whole grain rice and whole grain pasta.
  • Oatmeal and natural corn for breakfast, always without sugar .
  • Include  legumes  on your diet three times a week. Green vegetables are also highly recommended.
  • Avoid sugar. Instead, you can use stevia as a sweetener; neither sucrose nor fructose are recommended for fatty liver. Therefore, you should also control your daily  consumption of fruits, because they also contain a lot of sugar .
  • Avoid cow’s milk. Low-fat yogurt and kefir are an alternative.
  • Get plenty of vitamins A, C, E and selenium. These vitamins and minerals prevent cells from degenerating. We therefore recommend consuming the following foods:  oily fish, egg yolks, tomatoes, broccoli, pepperoni, nuts, spinach, avocado, etc. 
  • Selenium  is an important antioxidant and also highly recommended for our liver. We find this mineral in pistachios, cashews, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran, etc.
  • Alcohol should then be completely removed from the menu in any case .
  • Lemon is undoubtedly an indispensable food for a fatty liver. She has many positive qualities. We can have some lemon juice in drinking water or then on carrots.

    Plants that can help with fatty liver

    Milk thistle
    • Milk Thistle:  This plant is very effective in purifying and strengthening our livers. The liver is rebuilt and the milk thistle also acts as an antioxidant and helps in the production of new cells. You can take the plant in capsule form (available in natural health stores).
    • Noni Juice:  This fruit is high in fiber, reduces cholesterol, and helps rebuild the liver. We recommend that you take two capsules on an empty stomach. The noni fruit is also available in natural health stores.
    • Spirulina alga:  This alga detoxifies and restores our liver. It contains a large amount of magnesium and vitamin B6 and is ideal for fatty liver disease. The alga also provides us with various vitamins.

      Other advice

      • It is recommended that you avoid taking too many medications, especially anti-inflammatory and pain relievers.
      • How about if we took an hour’s walk a day ? Exercise is very important if we want to lose weight and if we want to bring our organism into balance. Start with half an hour a day and try to increase the exercise continuously. Gradually you can extend the walk to an hour.

      Recent research: positive effects of coffee

      A group of researchers from Duke University found this year that the beneficial properties of coffee and tea help prevent fatty liver disease.

      The caffeine also helps prevent diseases such as diabetes and Parkinson’s. That is why we recommend consuming a cup of coffee or tea in the morning or in the afternoon. Your health will thank you.

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