Fantastic Recipe For Eggplant Balls

Today we are introducing you to a simple recipe for eggplant balls that everyone will surely like. The balls are delicious: crispy on the outside, nice and soft on the inside.

Fantastic recipe for eggplant balls

Today we present you with a simple  recipe for eggplant balls  that are sure to taste good. The balls are delicious: crispy on the outside, nice and soft on the inside.

If you’re not a big seitan or tofu fan, eggplant is also a great substitute.

The following recipe for eggplant balls has a very aromatic seasoning and a very special taste.

The big advantage of eggplants is that they are very soft and their meat can be shaped well. You can also add a variety of other ingredients and seasonings for variety.

Soy sauce and caraway seeds are usually very popular when making meatballs and hamburgers. If you use these spices for the eggplant balls too, they’ll taste almost like a meat dish.

Eggplant balls with spinach recipe


Eggplant balls with spinach recipe
  • Breadcrumbs
  • 1 medium-sized egg
  • 1 sprig of chopped parsley
  • 3 fresh cloves of garlic
  • 1 small onion
  • 3 large eggplants
  • 1/3 cup spinach (10 g)
  • 3 spoons of breadcrumbs (45 g)
  • Spices: salt and black pepper
  • Optional: oregano


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
  2. Cut the garlic into small pieces.
  3. Then cut the aubergine into small cubes and puree in the blender. A kind of eggplant cream should emerge.
  4. Then heat a pan on medium heat and add a little olive oil.
  5. Cut the onion into small pieces (as small as possible) and fry. As soon as they are translucent, add a little pepper and garlic.
  6. When the garlic is golden, add the spinach and eggplant cream.
  7. Salt to taste and fry everything for ten minutes, stirring constantly.
  8. Then take the pan off the stove and let the mixture cool to room temperature.
  9. Then crack open the egg and whisk with the parsley. Then mix with the eggplant cream in a blender.
  10. Gradually shape small pieces of the mixture into balls with your hands and roll them in the breadcrumbs. Then place on a baking sheet.
  11. When the desired amount of eggplant balls is on the baking sheet, place in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes. You can also pan-fry them if you want.

Recipe for eggplant balls with tomato sauce

Recipe for eggplant balls with tomato sauce


  • Fresh parsley
  • olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Fresh basil
  • 2 spoons of sugar (30 g)
  • 4 or 5 eggplants (600 g)
  • 1 medium-sized egg
  • Optional: 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 cup of hard bread (150 g)
  • Spices: salt, black pepper, ground caraway seeds.
  • 1 large can of peeled tomatoes (800 g)


  1.  First, preheat a pan with a little oil on medium heat.
  2. Peel the garlic cloves and then chop them (as small as possible). Wash and chop the parsley, then set aside.
  3. Then cut the bread into small pieces and briefly soak in water.
  4. Cut the aubergine (with the skin) into small cubes and fry in the pan. Then put the cubes in the blender along with the bread, garlic, parsley, a little olive oil and water. Mix well until you get a cream.
  5. Let the eggplant cream stand for 20 minutes to allow it to cool to room temperature. To do this, cover the pot with a kitchen towel.
  6. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
  7. Beat the egg and whisk with a pinch of salt and pepper. Then add to the aubergine cream and stir everything well.
  8. Shape the mixture into small balls. Note: the  bigger the balls, the longer it will take to cook. Place them on the greased sheet.
  9. Then bake for 20 minutes at 180 ° C.
  10. Put the entire contents of the tomato can and a pinch of salt and pepper in the blender (including the juice). Mix until you get a sauce. Finally add some basil and set aside.
  11. As soon as the balls are baked, pour plenty of tomato sauce over them.

The recipe for eggplant balls is also exquisite when you add a little mozzarella. If you like to eat cheese, you will be delighted with this variation.

If you want the balls to be a little firmer, you can add some quinoa too. This makes them a little crispier and simply delicious!

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