Face Mask With Egg White For Your Beauty

The egg white has anti-inflammatory, astringent and decongestant properties, which are of great benefit for cosmetic purposes. 

Facial mask with egg white for your beauty

Chicken eggs contain valuable nutrients  and are therefore one of the most widely consumed foods worldwide. But did you know that a  face mask with egg white can  also do a lot for your beauty?

Although most of the nutrients are in the yolk, the protein is still  excellent for maintaining health and beauty. 

It can be used in numerous very useful recipes and is excellent in cosmetic applications as well.

In today’s post you will find a recipe for a face mask with egg white that you will surely like, then you can easily take care of your skin with it. This mask is inexpensive and very effective.

Treatment with egg white

Prepare the face mask with egg white

The protein is known for its astringent and decongestant properties. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial to the skin.

There are therefore a wide variety of cosmetic uses that are often much more effective than expensive beauty treatments.

The great thing about egg white is of course that it is easily available, always available in almost every refrigerator and also inexpensive.

1. Facial mask with egg white to exfoliate the skin

The egg white is excellent for exfoliating the skin of the face. This can remove impurities and dead skin cells. 

2. Facial mask with egg white for acne

Facial mask with egg white against acne

The protein not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also has an astringent effect  In the case of acne it is therefore an excellent means of improving the complexion.

Acne is caused by oily skin,  which causes pimples to form. These become inflamed and lead to an unsightly complexion.

This happens especially during puberty, but acne can also be found in adulthood.

  • The egg white helps control the skin’s sebum production. This can restore the natural state and regulate the pH value.
  • Because there is less sebum, acne can also be relieved.

    3. Facial mask with egg white against bags under the eyes

    Since the protein has decongestant properties, it is also excellent for treating pouches that can be caused by tiredness, stress or sleep disorders.

    How is that done?

    • It is best to apply the egg white  directly to the affected areas. Use cotton wool or a cotton swab to do this.
    • Let the mask work for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
    • Use this treatment at least twice a week.

    4. Facial mask with egg white against dilated pores

    Facial mask with egg white against dilated pores

    Egg white can also be used to refine unsightly widened pores. At the same time, the protein tightens the skin. This home remedy strengthens the skin and refines the complexion.

    5. Face mask with egg white as a moisturizer

    With the treatment that we are introducing to you today, you can not only remove impurities, but also nourish and moisturize the skin at the same time.

    • The egg white contains valuable proteins,  which give the skin of the face natural moisture.
    • When you combine this with honey or olive oil, you get a rich, moisturizing face mask.

    Face mask with egg white

    Egg white treatments for beautiful skin

    You now know all the benefits of treating your skin with egg white. With today’s recipe you can cleanse and care for your facial skin. We’ll show you how to do it now.

    The recipe is very easy to make and inexpensive too. You can use it to prevent wrinkles, moisturize your skin, and soothe inflammation.


    • 1 egg white
    • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
    • 20 drops of almond oil or olive oil


    • Beat the egg whites into snow with the mixer.
    • Then mix well with the honey and the oil until a homogeneous mass is formed.


    • Before using this mask, clean your face thoroughly. Then apply it to the skin of your face and let it sit for 20 minutes.
    • Then rinse with lukewarm water.
    • Repeat this treatment twice a week.

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