Exercises With Elastic Bands For A Strong Back

Have you already trained with elastic bands? They are very simple tools with which a wide variety of exercises can be carried out. Today we will show you how you can use it to strengthen your back muscles.

Exercises with elastic band for a strong back

Exercises with the  elastic band  strengthen the back muscles and improve your posture. At the same time, they protect your spine through greater stability. You can use it to strengthen both the upper and lower muscles of the back, from the trapezius to the lumbar muscles, if you exercise regularly.

The  elastic band , also known as a theraband, expander or simply rubber band, helps you in the training routine because you have to use more force. Children as well as adults and the elderly can benefit from it.

Various studies have been able to confirm that excellent results can be achieved with it. With this method you can not only train the back muscles, but also other areas of the body. Research suggests that this is very beneficial for seniors. 

1. Row with the elastic band

This exercise with the elastic band strengthens your back,  specifically the latissimus dorsi muscle, i.e. the large back muscle below the shoulder blade. You can do the exercise sitting or standing. Follow these steps:

Sit on a mat or comfortable surface, making sure you have an upright, straight back. The legs are fully extended.

  • Then you put the elastic band around your legs and hold it in place with your hands. Always make sure your back is straight and your arms and legs are outstretched. Then pull the band towards your waist by moving your arms backwards as you would when rowing.
  • You feel the tension of this movement in the large back muscle, which is activated in the process.
  • If you prefer to do this exercise while standing, proceed as follows:  You stand on a firm surface with your legs shoulder-width apart and bend your hips and knees slightly.
  • Then you perform the rowing movement described with your arms.
Exercises with elastic band
Elderly people can improve their overall health by exercising with an elastic band.

2. Bent facepulls with elastic band

This exercise is very useful for exercising the upper back. The stronger the tension in the ligament, the more strength is required of the muscles.

  • Find a way to secure the tape in a fixed position.
  • Then you stand in front of it with your legs shoulder-width apart and take one of the two ends of the elastic band in each hand. Bend your knees, move your hips back (at a 90-degree angle), and then pull your arms back from this position.

3. Side moves

This exercise requires great concentration to prevent back injuries and future discomfort. It strengthens the upper back muscles as well as shoulders and neck.

  • You stand in the middle of the belt with your legs shoulder-width apart on the floor. Then you grab one end of the elastic band with your right and left hand.
  • Then bend your upper body forward and bring your arms up to the sides and slightly bent.

4. Band Pull Aparts

This exercise is very easy and perfect for strengthening the upper back muscles. You can also use it to  improve your posture.

  • You stand on the floor with your legs shoulder-width apart and hold one end of the strap with your right and left hand. The arms are stretched at shoulder height.
  • Then pull the  band back so that it touches your body in the middle. You pull your shoulder blades together.
  • It is important to stabilize your elbows and shoulders during this exercise.

5. Squats with elastic band

With this exercise you not only strengthen your back, but also train many other muscles of the body:

  • You stand in the middle of the elastic band and hold one end in each hand. Your legs are shoulder-width apart.
  • Bring your hips down while bending your knees as if you were doing a squat.
  • The back and neck are straight and your gaze is directed forward.
  • Now stretch your knees and the elastic band until they are completely straight. 

6. Bow spans

This simple exercise is very effective for working the back major muscle.

  • You are standing straight on the floor and hold the elastic band in front of your body with both hands.
  • The right elbow is level with the shoulder, the hand is directly on the shoulder, as if you were holding a bow.
  • Pull your left arm over to your left shoulder and then straighten it again. Always make sure that your back is straight.
  • The right arm  stays in the same position all the time. 
  • Do this movement ten times, rest briefly, and then repeat the exercise on the other side.
Exercises with elastic band
Exercises with elastic bands are also used in rehabilitation.

Benefits of exercises with elastic bands for the back

Using an elastic band in back strengthening exercises is very popular because there are several benefits to this method. These include the following:

  • It is very easy to acquire an elastic or thera band that suits your individual needs.
  • This allows you to strengthen the muscles and perform various movements more easily.
  • Using an exercise band reduces the risk of injury and is safe to use. These exercises are also used in the rehabilitation of muscle injuries.
  • In order to train the back muscles and other muscles, it is sufficient to stretch the exercises a little every week. In addition, over time you can fall back on a firmer elastic band, which will challenge your muscles more.

Training your back with the elastic band is that easy! Try it for yourself, you will have great entertainment and enjoy many advantages.

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