Essential Oils For Aromatherapy

Aroma oils have many advantages for physical and mental wellbeing. You too can benefit from it!

Aromatherapy essential oils

In  aromatherapy , essential oils from herbs, flowers, bark, etc. are used for healing purposes, for relaxation and for physical and psychological well-being. For example, they can be inhaled, ingested, or used in baths.

If you want better effects, you can combine the essential oils in  aromatherapy with massage and other therapeutic techniques. Your sense of smell, which is connected to the limbic system, is addressed.

The volatile aromatic oils act on the central nervous system via the sense of smell and reach the limbic system directly. They can have a positive effect on mood and emotional well-being, trigger memories or even stimulate certain body functions.

Read on to find out more on the subject!

Aromatherapy essential oils that relax you

Benefits of aromatherapy

  • Aromatherapy is perfect for treating nervous system problems. Above all, these include stress, anxiety or depression.
  • Aromatic oils improve breathing. 
  • It can also reduce muscle pain and inflammation.
  • Aromatherapy fights skin infections.
  • It helps with insomnia and
  • promotes your blood circulation.

Application methods

Aromatherapy has a relaxing effect
  • Inhalation: This is the classic way to take advantage of the properties of essential oils. The essential oils can be inhaled directly or indirectly. You can just put  a few drops of oil on a tissue and gently inhale the aroma. You can also pour the oil into hot water and use it as steam. There are also many fragrance diffusers for essential oils on the market.
  • Massage: The oils are massaged directly into the skin.
  • Aromatic baths: A warm bath with essential oils is very relaxing!
  • Cold or hot compresses: These are used to treat skin problems and muscle pain.


  • Essential oils must not be ingested directly or applied undiluted to the skin, with the exception of lavender.
  • Avoid sun exposure after a massage,  you should wait at least 4 hours.
  • Do not use essential oils around the eyes. Caution is also advised, as they could also irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Essential oils are not suitable for babies under 9 months of age. If you want to use these, you should consult a pediatrician first.
  • Store the aromatic oils in a cool, dark place.

    Here are some essential oils you can use to relax and promote wellbeing:


    Lavender for aromatherapy

    Lavender is one of the best essential oils for calming the nervous system. This is especially true when it comes to lowering blood pressure and skin temperature. When you inhale it, it travels to the brain, making you feel more relaxed.

    Lavender also helps fight insomnia and reduce anxiety and depression. Lavender increases the activity of alpha waves in the brain, which provides relaxation and also has a positive effect on emotions. 

    However, it is important to control the use of lavender as this plant has effects similar to estrogen. This is especially true for allergy sufferers.


    Aromatherapy with oils

    Yuzu is a yellow citrus fruit from East Asia. This fruit has a calming effect on the central nervous system. It has a relaxing effect  , relieves anxiety and promotes sleep. 

    To get the essence of this citrus fruit, the peel must go through a steam distillation process. The yuzu essential oil contains limes, gamma terpinene and phellandrene.

    When you breathe in, your senses experience a mixture of aromas that are reminiscent of oranges, tangerines and bitter orange.


    Vanilla essential oils for aromatherapy

    This oil is extracted directly from the vanilla plant. This usually grows in different regions of America, especially the tropics. Vanilla is mostly used for flavoring. It is characterized by  antioxidant, calming, relaxing, digestive and aphrodisiac properties.

    In aromatherapy, vanilla helps to revitalize the body and channel emotional stress. It also relieves depression and anxiety and has a particularly relaxing effect on the nervous system. In addition, vanilla in ointments can promote wound healing and help with ulcers.


    Jasmine in aromatherapy

    Jasmine is a yang plant from China. The oil is obtained from a shrub from which white or light brown flowers sprout. It usually grows in tropical and temperate environments. By the way, there are 20 known types of jasmine.

    Yes smin promotes physical and mental well-being. Among the therapeutic properties, the stimulating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-bacterial effects are particularly noteworthy.

    The essence of jasmine will help you improve your mood. This plant  relaxes and reduces stress.  It has a calming effect when you breathe in and promotes inner peace.

    Jasmine tightens the skin and is therefore often used in cosmetics. In addition, this plant relaxes muscles, relieves pain and helps relieve cramps.


    Mint in aromatherapy

    This oil comes from the leaves of the mint plant in  the labial family. This can be used to control stress.  Mint oil calms the nerves and reduces mental exhaustion.

    The high content of menthol also makes this plant the ideal remedy for stomach cramps. Mint also  helps against stubborn mucus in the airways. Menthol is known to have an expectorant effect.

    The plant also reduces muscle pain. Mint is also popular in cosmetics because it has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and cares for the skin and hair.

    Which of these oils convinced you? What’s your favorite flavor?

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