Effects On Health Of Wearing High Heels

If you don’t want to do without heels, you can use platform shoes that should not be higher than 3 cm at the tip of the foot.

Effects on health from wearing high heel shoes

Many women, be it privately or for work, often wear high heels, which make them appear more elegant, but in the long term, wearing high heels has negative effects on their health.

It has been proven that these days women by wearing of heeled shoes four times more likely to suffer injuries on the feet than men. Therefore, we should know the negative consequences so that we can take appropriate measures to take care of our health.

The right high heel shoe


Wearing heels does not allow the foot to properly distribute the weight.
There are big differences between wearing a suitable and an unsuitable heel shoe.

When we wear a high heel shoe recommended by a specialist, the body weight is distributed on the foot in a balanced way.

But if the heel is too high, our body weight shifts more and more to the back of the foot and injuries can occur.

The injuries that occur from wearing high heel shoes not only affect the feet, but extend from the moving limbs such as the knees and hips to the spine. The following pain can occur:

  • Hammer toe: here I bend one toe down, like a claw.
  • Ball of the foot : painful bulges of the metatarsophalangeal joint that appear on the big toe.
  • Metatarsus: pain or inflammation in the front of the foot
  • Injuries to the tendons: they too become inflamed and cause great pain.
  • Falls or even breaks: this happens due to the imbalance.
  • Injuries to the knee: increased risk of developing osteoarthritis (wear and tear on the joint) and arthritis (inflammation of the joint) at an early stage. This is due to the increased pressure that the joint has to endure.
  • Back pain: This is caused by the unfavorable alignment of the hips and spine. This leads to pain all over the back.
  • Muscle pain: As the heels rise, the muscles contract (and become harder), causing discomfort.

How can you avoid these problems with heel shoes?

  • Foot ailment specialists advise wearing heels less than 3 cm and that the width fill the entire heel. Yet fashion, vanity, and work often demand beauty and elegance that are dearly to pay for. Shoes always have higher and thinner heels and so the consequences also increase.
  • If we can’t do without wearing, platform shoes with a difference of 3 cm or less between the front and back are a good option. Furthermore, high heels should not be covered for long distances, and once you get home they should be exchanged for appropriate and comfortable shoes.

  • When we are at a party or at work, we can sit down for a few minutes and relax our feet. If possible, we can be barefoot for a moment, stretching the muscles and tendons.
  • It is advisable not to buy shoes that are too tight . We should always make sure that we can move our toes comfortably.

    Prevention is always worthwhile

    In summary, it can be said that the daily wearing of heel shoes for women can lead to permanent injuries and discomfort. These range from simple swellings to serious problems, some of which even have to be resolved surgically.

    Suffering colleagues, is it so difficult to sacrifice an inch to prevent such unpleasant problems? Wouldn’t it be better to invest in comfort and health than in size?

    Our family and friends always see us on our normal feet and they are, after all, the ones they love us most. So why so much effort for our size? My advice says the saying: prevention is better than cure!

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