Do You Suffer From Fibromyalgia? 5 Tips For Breakfast

Citrus fruits are one of the most recommended foods for people with fibromyalgia. Because they contain many vitamins and minerals that help to alleviate the inflammatory processes and reduce pain

Do you have fibromyalgia?  5 tips for breakfast

Do you have fibromyalgia ? In recent years, many aspects have been learned about fibromyalgia. This is mainly due to the improved technology of neuroimaging.

For example, it is now known that a certain pathological dysfunction exists. This disrupts the cerebral response to nociceptive stimuli in the organism.

This can also explain why certain stimuli can be painful in the first place. In addition, it becomes clear why there are certain areas on the body where pain is particularly intense.

Similarly, has also become known to those of fibromyalgia suffer, show an increased proportion of fine fibers of type C (these are also associated with neuropathic pain).

However, the proportion of neurovegetative fibers around the small blood vessels is reduced.

All of these factors undoubtedly lead to a better understanding of the disease. It is also clear that it has nothing to do with a shift in mood or a psychological disorder.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that brings about a major change in lifestyle.

You should be in close contact with the treating specialists and consider possible triggers. Diet also plays a major role.

For example, affected patients can be helped to avoid foods that further promote inflammation. This way you can better control the factors triggering the pain.

It is also important that those affected choose their foods carefully.

Above all, you should use nutrients that help alleviate the symptoms.

This is how you can protect the blood vessels. Because in most cases these are one of the most common triggers for the grueling and debilitating pain.

Today we recommend that you pay special attention to your breakfast. This is the best way to start the day.

1. Orange with honey and cinnamon

Citrus fruits

Delicious, natural and ideal for people who suffer from fibromyalgia. You should consume citrus fruits regularly throughout the week. In this way , the symptoms of the disease can be significantly alleviated. 

  • The typical pain of the disease is like a “spider web” over the entire body. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, vitamin C is an ideal ally in the fight against the disease.
  • All you have to do is combine an orange with a little honey and cinnamon. This gives you a fully-fledged option for breakfast that is not only very healthy, but also therapeutically effective.
  • The reason for this? Honey and cinnamon also have an anti-inflammatory effect. At the same time, they bring a lot of energy with them. So you can start the day healthy.

Keep in mind that it’s always best to eat the whole fruit. All you need to do is cut an orange into slices and pour a spoonful of honey and a little cinnamon over it. You’ll be amazed!

2. Avocado with red fruits

Avocado strawberries

Avocados contain a particularly healthy type of fat. This is essential for everyone, but especially for people who suffer from fibromyalgia.

  • The avocado also contains a lot of vitamin E. This helps to fight cramps or muscular spasticity.
  • In addition, they are rich in vitamins B, C and K, minerals such as manganese and iron and the high fiber content. All of this makes the avocado a sensational choice to start the day.

You can use it to prepare a delicious shake to which you add red fruits. Strawberries, cherries or cranberries are full of wonderful antioxidants. These are especially important for people with fibromyalgia.

3. Lemon juice with chia seeds

So we already know that citrus fruits are ideal for this condition. Thanks to their vitamins and minerals, you can bring the inflammatory processes under control. Likewise, the effects of the pain are at least “somewhat” reduced.

  • Well, there is a particularly appropriate way to reap the benefits of lemons. You should take the fresh juice with a spoon of chia seeds.
  • Chia seeds are one of the most nutritious foods that exist. Because they contain proteins, fiber, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. 

This ideal combination of nutrients helps people with fibromyalgia in particular to start the day with the maximum possible energy.

4. Papaya with almonds


Almost 70% of people with fibromyalgia also have irritable bowel syndrome. It is particularly important to pay attention to the health of the digestive tract.

In particular, you should avoid foods that are more likely to cause inflammation in general.

It is of course clear that every person is individually different. What some feel good about can cause inflammation and gas for others.

However, there are also foods that are good for everyone. Among them is the papaya.

  • The papaya is nutritious and digestive. If you also combine them with some almonds, you get a nutritious and particularly healthy breakfast.

5. Oatmeal pancakes to relieve the effects of fibromyalgia


Would you like to try our recipe? All you need is an egg and some oatmeal. This nutrient-rich product contains large amounts of protein. This will make you feel good and full of energy all day long.

  • You don’t have to be afraid to consume eggs up to 2 or 3 times a week. Because they are a natural source of energy and protein. This is how the batteries are recharged.
  • At the same time, the oatmeal is ideally suited to detoxifying the body. Because it contains large amounts of amino acids. For example, it helps control the level of sugar in the blood.

Together with the delicious pancakes made from oatmeal, you can also eat fresh fruit as needed.

Strawberries or a little mango and melon are ideal for this. You can also add a little honey. This gives you another delicious option for breakfast. You’ll be amazed!

Don’t hesitate to try different forms of therapy if you have fibromyalgia. Underneath there will always be a possibility that adapts to your needs. This is an easy way to improve your quality of life. 

In addition, it is essential to pay attention to your diet. So you can start your day in the best way possible with our simple suggestions.

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