Do You Have Varicose Veins? 4 Things You Should Avoid In Summer

To avoid discomfort with varicose veins, they should be protected from heat sources, especially in summer, and refreshed every 15-20 minutes. You should also avoid warm wax depilation.

Do you have varicose veins?  4 things to avoid in summer

If you have varicose veins or chronic venous insufficiency, you probably know that summer is more likely to cause pressure, pain, and fatigue.

Experts recommend simple but important measures that can help improve the quality of life with varicose veins in summer so that you can enjoy them more relaxed.

This information can be very useful. Read on if you want to learn more about this topic.

Varicose veins in summer, torture for your legs

Varicose veins

In varicose veins, the genetic factor plays a very large role, obesity or lack of exercise can also promote the appearance.

In the summer and especially on vacation in hot countries, problems can arise with venous insufficiency. The following changes should be noted:

  • The veins expand.
  • More water is stored in the tissue.
  • Pressure and pain also increase.
  • The risk of a thrombus increases.
  • The feet hurt and the ankles swell.

One thing should be clear to us: there are no miracle cures for varicose veins. You can see the complaints, although with  improving exercises and other measures,  but the problem is not easily solved without surgery.

Varicose veins are not just an aesthetic problem. They are the result of a disorder of the venous valves on the legs. These expand and stretch, which slows blood flow.

Therefore, you should have the condition of your varicose veins regularly checked by a doctor, if necessary take the prescribed medication and consider the following simple measures in summer.

What can you do with varicose veins in summer?

Numerous experts have dealt with this topic and developed interesting strategies  to avoid discomfort or worsening.

It is advisable to observe the following recommendations:

1. Avoid direct heat sources

Sun varicose veins

In summer, many seek the warm south to have fun on the beach or in the swimming pool, to enjoy the longed-for sun and to tan their skin.

But be careful, because high temperatures widen the veins, making the problem worse. Therefore, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Only  sit in the sun when the radiation is not so strong (before 10 a.m. or late afternoon).
  • If you sunbathe around lunchtime, which is not necessarily advisable, you definitely need to apply sunscreen to your legs and freshen it up with cold water every 15-20 minutes.
  • Doctors completely advise against direct heat sources in the case of varicose veins , so hot wax depilation should also be avoided.

2. Move your legs in summer

  • Go for a walk on the beach when the sun is no longer so strong. The sand activates blood circulation and is very healthy.
  • If you plan to travel long distances by car, train, or plane, be aware that sitting for long periods of time can worsen venous insufficiency.
  • Move as often as you can, use compression stockings, massage your legs from the bottom up, and do circular exercises with your ankles.
  • Walk barefoot  on the seashore, as the water has a positive effect on the veins.
  • Swim. Any form of exercise in the water alleviates discomfort and promotes blood circulation.

3. Comfortable shoes and clothes

Prevention-against-varicose veins
  • Avoid tight-fitting pants. Loose cotton clothing that also protects you from the sun is ideal.

Also pay attention to the shoes: If you wear a heel that is higher than 4 cm , the support area of ​​the foot is reduced. The blood circulation is impaired as a result.

  • Avoid stockings that are too pinching around the ankles. Use compression tights instead , as they will relieve the discomfort.

4. Avoid constipation

  • In the summer, many suffer from frequent constipation. Travel, excursions, etc. lead to a break in routine, the body is “destabilized” and there is then disorder of bowel movements.
  • Doctors assure that this leads to water retention and toxin build-up, which then also affects the varicose veins.
  • Drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Increase your fiber intake as well as fruit.  In summer you can also gain a few kilos, which is not necessarily recommended for varicose veins.
  • Eat a balanced diet and avoid excess. Your health will thank you.

As a reminder: To avoid discomfort caused by varicose veins in summer, you should avoid heat and  use cool water in the swimming pool or on the beach  to refresh your legs.

It is also advisable to carry out exercises that alleviate the complaints.

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