Discover The Properties And Uses Of Peppermint

Peppermint is a classic home remedy that is helpful for digestive problems or skin problems, for example.

Discover the properties and uses of peppermint

The Peppermint is native to the Mediterranean region, is now growing but around the world. It has many health benefits and is versatile. Discover and benefit from the amazing properties of peppermint in this article!

Interesting facts about peppermint

Peppermint for tea
  • During the Roman Empire, peppermint was widely used as a medicinal plant and was therefore introduced to other cities and countries.
  • It grows quickly and is easy to care for. The plant branches and can grow into a bush half a meter wide.
  • There are about 25 subgenera of the mint belonging to the mint family.
  • Mint leaves can be used in tea, but the essential oils also have various external uses.
  • This great plant provides vitamins A and C, omega-3 fatty acids and various minerals.
  • The peppermint grows easily in any climate, in the garden or in a flower pot. She doesn’t like too much sun, but she must always have enough water. You can pick their leaves all year round.
  • Its scientific name is “Mentha”. This name comes from the Greek nymph Minthe, who loved Plutus, who was so jealous that he turned her into a plant.

Health Benefits of Peppermint

Internal use of this plant has several health benefits:


They are taken after a meal to calm the stomach. The mint soothes gas and aids digestion. It is recommended for stomach pain because it has an anticonvulsant effect and prevents vomiting, especially after a large meal.

The peppermint stimulates the production of digestive juices and works against nausea. However, it is not recommended for long periods of time as it can cause inflammation of the stomach lining or irritation of the stomach wall.

Liver and intestines

Peppermint for tea

The mint can stimulate the liver function and stimulate the formation of bile. For example, it is used to treat stomach cramps and soothe upset stomach when the liver is working slowly.

It can help with diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease. Peppermint is also excellent against flatulence. 

Respiratory system

The mint contains menthol and therefore also clears the airways. It makes you sweat and helps relieve a stuffy nose. That is why this herb is often used for colds and flu. It also has an antipyretic effect.

In addition, the antiviral properties of peppermint are helpful for various respiratory diseases. Bronchitis, catarrh of the throat and asthma can also be relieved with it.

Smokers or former smokers with a cough can also use it to soothe their throats.

Blood circulation

Peppermint as a tea

Peppermint contains eugenol and rosmarinic acid and is therefore also characterized by anticoagulant properties. It improves blood circulation and also helps with headaches, for example.

In addition, it can alleviate altitude sickness, as  it enables an improved oxygen supply to the cells  and at the same time discharges toxins.

External uses with peppermint for health and beauty

Rheumatic pain

The essential oils of peppermint contain salycilic acid and therefore relieve rheumatic pain. The oil is also effective against migraines. You can rub a few drops on your temples or make an envelope with a few drops of peppermint oil.

Back, muscle and neck pain as well as muscle tension can also be relieved with this home remedy.

Bad breath

Peppermint leaves

If you have bad breath, peppermint is an excellent natural remedy. Mints, lozenges, or chewing gum are very helpful in this case. You can also just chew on some fresh peppermint leaves.

The herb also helps with  dry mouth, tooth decay and inflammation of the gums.


The peppermint shines with around 30 antiseptic and 40 antibacterial active ingredients. It is great for treating various skin problems such as wounds, itching, and insect bites.

The plant is also often used against eczema or problems with hemorrhoids. Women can use it to wash or take a peppermint seat bath to treat simple STDs.

For cooking

Peppermint tea

The mint can also be used in many ways in the kitchen. It combines perfectly with sweet and salty dishes. For example, it can be used for

  • Vegetables,
  • Soups,
  • Salads,
  • Juices,
  • Teas or
  • dessert

be used. You too can benefit from it!

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