Discover The Medicinal Plant Marjoram

Marjoram is very popular in various dishes. In addition, this medicinal herb is also known to relieve digestive discomfort and hormonal problems. Find out more about the benefits of marjoram today.

Discover the medicinal plant marjoram

Marjoram  ( Orignaum majorana)  is to enrich an herb that is very popular in Mediterranean cuisine to dishes with a very special flavor. However, this plant from the  Lamiaceae family  is also valued worldwide for its medicinal properties. Do you know the health benefits of this medicinal plant and do you also know about possible side effects? Our article today is all about this topic.

In an article published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine , it can be read that this medicinal plant is mainly cultivated in countries such as Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Germany and France. It is generally believed to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, gastric protective and antioxidant properties. Find out today how this aromatic plant is used and when to avoid it. 

Scientifically proven benefits of marjoram

In the kitchen, marjoram gives soups, salads or meat dishes a very special flavor. However, this herb is also a traditional home remedy that stimulates digestion and relieves menstrual cramps. Other benefits are also attributed to the medicinal herb marjoram.

However, there is no solid scientific evidence that marjoram can be used as a first-line treatment for diseases. So there is no way this herb can replace medical treatments, nor is it suitable as the sole form of treatment for a health problem.

In the event of illness, you should definitely have a medical examination. Now that we’ve made that clear,  let’s describe the main uses of marjoram.

Marjoram relieves indigestion

Majora relieves indigestion
Marjoram can help with stomach ulcers.

Natural medicine  particularly emphasizes marjoram because this herb can relieve digestive problems. A study published in The American Journal of Chinese Medicine found this plant to be effective against stomach ulcers, possibly due to the volatile oils, flavonoids, tannins, and other substances it contains.

A study of various herbs, published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology , suggests that marjoram can help with food-borne illnesses. Specifically, the herb could help with an infection by the pathogen  Clostridium perfringens .

Helps regulate the menstrual cycle

Marjoram has several health benefits for women. It is particularly interesting that the herb can help regulate the menstrual cycle. Both the extract and marjoram tea have shown positive effects on the hormonal balance.

The results of a controlled aleatoric study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics suggest that marjoram tea may help in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Apparently, this medicinal herb helps regulate hormone activity and insulin sensitivity.

Marjoram to prevent infections

Many of the benefits of marjoram are due to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties. An extract from this plant can therefore also help in the prevention and treatment of certain infections. A study published in the journal Global Advances in Health and Medicine showed that marjoram was effective for overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

Furthermore, diluted marjoram essential oil has shown interesting effects on  fungal infections of the skin. More scientific study is needed, but this remedy is considered safe for healthy adults.

Contraindications to marjoram

Contraindications to marjoram
You have to avoid marjoram during pregnancy.

We have already mentioned the various benefits of this herb,  but the contraindications, interactions, and side effects also need to be considered. It is best to seek advice from your doctor if you have any doubts.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women must avoid marjoram (as a tea or dietary supplement). A study published in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology shows that this herb could have a negative effect on hormone levels during this time.
  • Marjoram extract could also affect  blood clotting. You should therefore avoid this medicinal herb if you are being treated with blood thinners or if there are related illnesses.
  • Marjoram can also interact with medication for diabetics. Because this plant reduces blood sugar levels. It is therefore imperative that you speak to your doctor first, who can advise you.

How can you best get the benefits of this aromatic herb?

If there are no reasons to avoid,  you can use majors in small amounts in various recipes. You can also put a spoonful of this herb in oil to have an aromatic oil for soups, stews, salads, vegetables, or meat recipes.

If you prefer tea or a dietary supplement, find out more from the manufacturer of the product. Also, if possible, it is always better to seek advice from your doctor before taking marjoram on a regular basis.

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