Diet With Celery

A celery-kiwi juice before dinner provides the organism with valuable nutrients and makes you feel full. This will help you avoid eating again before bed and going to bed on a full stomach.

Diet with Celery

Celery has various health benefits. He contains Vitamins, minerals, fiber and few calories and can be used in many ways.

Want to learn more about how celery can help you lose weight?

It’s very tasty and has a great aroma.

In addition, it is low in calories  (16 calories per 100 grams) and is therefore ideal for losing weight. Celery can be prepared in a variety of ways, and it is also filling. We’ll explain a little more to you below.

How does celery help you lose weight?

It stimulates digestion. It consists of 95% water, provides our body with plenty of fluids and also frees it from toxins and water retention. In the following we take a closer look at the health-promoting properties:

  • It contains essential oils such as lime, asparagine, etc. For this reason, these vegetables have a detoxifying and diuretic effect. These active ingredients are mainly found in the stalk, in the seeds and, in smaller quantities, in the leaves.
  • It has a satiating effect.
  • It also has an antibacterial effect and can thus fight infections and also excrete toxins.
  • Improves the transport process of the kidneys.
  • It contains important minerals like potassium and sodium and also vitamins B1, B2 and B6. These are very important for the health of our skin, hair and eyesight.
  • It regulates cholesterol and improves blood circulation.
  • Celery speeds up digestion and helps burn fat.

How can I lose weight with celery?

Celery helps burn fat, it also has a detoxifying and filling effect. Eat it regularly for two weeks. Below you will find out how you can incorporate it into a healthy eating plan to get all the benefits.

Morning: celery, pineapple and cucumber shake

Celery pineapple

You should drink this drink on an empty stomach. In this way, your body is supplied with the necessary vitamins and minerals in the morning. The combination of pineapple and cucumber is also without a doubt an excellent way to purify the body.


  • 2-3 stalks of celery
  • 1/2 half a cucumber
  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • 1 spoon of oat bran
  • 1 glass of water


  1. Wash the vegetables, then cut the cucumber, peeled pineapple, and celery into pieces.
  2. The vegetables are mixed with the oat bran and then blended together until an even drink is made.
  3. You can also sweeten the shake with a spoonful of honey if you like. You can also add a glass of water to make the mass less thick.

Main meal: celery soup for weight loss

sellery soup

We advise you to enjoy this delicious soup three times a week. It is detoxifying, filling and also helps to burn fat. The soup also provides important nutrients.


  • 6 stalks of celery
  • 1 spoon of olive oil
  • 1 onion
  • a little pepper
  • 1 small spoon of Maizena (corn flour
  • one liter of water, with 1 cube of broth
  • 1 leaf of bay leaf
  • some coriander


  1. Wash the celery, then cut it into small pieces along with the onion.
  2. Then add a little olive oil to a pan and add the celery and onion as soon as the oil is heated.
  3. Then add the water and the cube of broth to the pan and add the bay leaf and coriander as well. When the water starts to boil, add the cornmeal to make the mixture thicker. Always stir well so that no lumps form.
  4. Then remove the bay leaves, season with pepper and then puree the soup. As already mentioned, this soup is healthy and light, it can be eaten for lunch or then also in the evening.

Before dinner: celery and kiwi shake

Shake celery

This shake is ideal before dinner. It will fill you up before the last meal, so you eat less afterwards.  In addition, this shake provides us with important nutrients and minerals, including vitamin C and fiber.

All ingredients help, among other things, with the elimination of excess fluids. The shake is delicious too. Try it out!


  • 2 large kiwis
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1 sprig of fresh parsley
  • 2 oranges


  1. Peel the kiwis and then cut them and the celery into cubes.
  2. Then cut the parsley.
  3. Then press the oranges to get juice
  4. Put all of the ingredients in a stand or hand blender and then puree them. If desired, the shake can then be sweetened with a sweetener or with a little honey. This shake provides you with many important nutrients and is sure to taste good too.

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