Dark Circles In Women: Remove Naturally

Dark circles are perceived as a beauty problem, but can also be a warning sign of a lack of health

Dark circles in women: remove naturally

Dark circles  usually appear when we haven’t slept enough. A look in our face reveals to everyone: there is a lack of sleep!

That said, there are other reasons for dark circles  – and not all of them are harmless. We’ll tell you what the causes are.

What causes dark circles under the eyes?

There are basically two reasons for dark circles under the eyes : on the one hand, darkly pigmented skin, on the other hand, thin skin under the eyes through which the blood vessels below shine through.

In the first case, the darker pigmentation is innate and immutable. In the second case, there are several causes that we want to address in this article today.

Usually dark circles under the eyes are caused by the fact that the blood vessels can be seen below the eyes, because the skin there is very thin.

If the blood vessels are poorly supplied with blood, there is little oxygen in the blood and this causes the blood to be darker in color.

This makes the dark circles appear darker. It is therefore important to keep these blood vessels well supplied with blood in order to prevent dark circles.

What prevents dark circles?

As already mentioned, the darker the blood vessels underneath are supplied with oxygen-rich, fresh blood, the darker the dark circles under the eyes .

There are many reasons why the blood circulation is not optimal there:

  • Lack of sleep : The most straightforward reason is simply not enough sleep. After a few nights of heavy sleep, the color of the dark circles should return to normal.
  • Smoking causes blood vessels to narrow. And the narrower the blood vessels, the worse the blood flow and the darker the shadows under the eyes.
  • Also, alcohol reduces the blood flow. In addition, alcohol consumption in the face fills certain cavernous bodies with water, which can also worsen blood circulation. So alcohol consumption is visible!
  • Allergies can also cause dark spots to form under the eyes. Mostly it is due to allergy-causing cosmetics in the eye area or contact lens care products.
  • Iron deficiency generally leads to a poorer oxygen supply. This makes the blood appear darker and dark circles under the eyes are also more visible.
  • A lack of fluids affects almost all body functions. The ability of the blood to flow is reduced and the blood flow decreases. If you drink enough, you will also look more alert!
  • Drug consumption is a cause that can be seen in the face of the user for a very long time. Noticeably dark shadows under the eyes are a very distinctive feature that only regresses months after drug use.
  • Kidney, liver, gall bladder, and thyroid disorders are also possible causes, which is why you should see your doctor for any kind of unexplained, persistent dark circles or skin discoloration under the eyes.

What can be done about it?

Anyone who comes out of bed in the morning hungover and looks in the mirror as they feel is usually looking for a quick solution.

The simplest, in principle the only and quick solution, is to apply a concealer.

Please keep your hands off “home remedies” such as hemorrhoid cream! Such creams usually contain cortisone, which with regular use makes the skin thinner and thus only worsens the problem!

Besides concealer, only long-term tips such as:

  • Get enough sleep
  • Refrain from alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Never do drugs
  • Drink enough
  • Eat a balanced diet

If you suspect allergies or diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys or thyroid glands, you should always ask your doctor for advice anyway.

It is true that there is only a small percentage of those affected who really have a serious illness behind them, but a vitamin or mineral deficiency also shows a need for action!

Swollen eyes

If you haven’t slept enough and can define this as the cause of dark circles, these usually come in combination with puffy eyes.

There is nothing you can do ad hoc about the dark discoloration under the eyes, but some home remedies are quite effective against the swelling :

  • Cucumber slices
  • Cold tea bags
  • Drink
  • Cold spoons

The aim is always that the vessels around the eyes contract and that too much stored water is flushed out.

This causes the eyes to swell. Small, negative side effect: the blood vessels also contract, which initially makes the dark circles appear darker.

Do not worry! As soon as the cooling effect has dissipated, the blood flow increases again and the shadows appear just as dark as before! The only thing that helps against this is first and foremost: go to bed early and sleep well and long enough!

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