Conquering Fear: 7 Things To Avoid

Many people know from acquaintances and friends countless recommendations for dealing with fear.

Conquering fear: 7 things to avoid

Sentences like “don’t take things so hard” , “try to slow down” or “change your life” are tips that are floating around in our heads, but not of much help. But how can you  overcome fear ?

The reason we are no longer receptive to this advice is because our minds operate on another level: it has a limited radius and is absolutely controlled by excessive worry, negativity, and a lack of self-control.

In this state it is very difficult for us to slow down.

In addition, sometimes you feel so exhausted and overwhelmed during vacation that it is not uncommon to experience a panic attack.

On the other hand, it’s important to know that many of the strategies one uses to manage anxiety are limited to treating symptoms, but don’t get to the root of the problem.

Practicing meditation, going for a walk, or even taking an anxiolytic will help relieve symptoms, but what triggers the anxiety is still within us.

Therefore, it is also necessary to know what is not advisable when suffering from anxiety.

In this way one can get to know the inner “demon” much better, learn to control it, to weaken it, to get a grip on one’s own life and to conquer fear .

1. Don’t overthink things, get out of the carousel of thought

Defeat fear

Stop, break the cycle of those persistent thoughts that take away your balance and calm throughout the day.

  • You have to become aware of when a thought, image, sentence or memory begins to become stubborn in your head.
  • Once you realize this, it is ideal to bring your attention to a relaxed or positive thought.

Exercising, drawing mandalas, or talking to someone can help.

2. Don’t avoid, don’t run away! Conquer fear

You may be so anxious about your work that you decided to apply for vacation. There can be so many problems with your partner that you prefer to spend more time away from home, to come home late….

  • All of these behaviors are techniques for escaping from what is troubling and troubling you.
  • You have to face your discomfort and shouldn’t put things off until tomorrow. As you do this, you will build up more and more worries, fears, and frustrations in your head, and you will get tangled up in a tangle that leaves no room for anything else.

    3. Don’t conjure up things that haven’t happened at all

    Defeat fear

    If I do that, it will happen. If I say that, it will happen. If I change that, something will happen that I don’t want …

    If such thoughts sound familiar to you, remember that they are a characteristic of the most harmful and limiting form of anxiety a person can suffer. A fear where thinking about disaster prevents you from living fully and openly.

    Nobody has a crystal ball with which they can see what will or will not happen tomorrow. So focus on the present and control the negativity.

    4. Don’t monitor yourself so much, let yourself be carried away …

    Most of all, those who have had more than one anxiety attack fear that it will happen again. Sometimes they develop so much fear that it is ultimately that fear that leads to the recurrence of panic attacks.

    • Avoid monitoring yourself so much, watching your palpitations, your heart rate, thinking that you will get nervous going in there, that you will lose control if you do …
    • You have to be able to change your mind, to allow yourself more openness and confidence when facing things that you are afraid of, because it is precisely by overcoming these limits that you find peace and balance.

    5. I want to conquer all fear: that is not the key

    Defeat fear

    It is a very common mistake to think that fear itself is an enemy to be avoided at all costs.

    • The secret is to live with fear but avoid it controlling you.
    • Understand that fear is a part of people. It is fear that helps us avoid risk, that helps us survive, and even gives us energy and motivation to achieve what we want.
    • But the moment it turns into that crippling feeling that takes our breath away, our control and our happiness, something has to be done.

    We have to find the root of the problem. We have to deal with ourselves, communicate and transform negative fears into positive fears.

    6. Some people are better avoided if one is to conquer fear

    It may seem strange to us, but sometimes our fear can originate from a certain person who takes our happiness away from us day in and day out.

    • Perhaps it is this love, this complicated and harmful love that turns us into someone we are not.
    • It can also be a larger context, such as B. a work environment in which we simply cannot fully integrate.
    • Also, it can be the family that makes us feel out of place or vulnerable.

    The best thing in these cases is to identify the starting points of our fear and to find possible ways out or strategies for solving the problem.

    7. Don’t stop living, fear takes away your quality of life

    Even if we don’t notice, it happens. Fear robs us of lust for life, hope and even identity.

    • It makes us someone new, someone we don’t like and who doesn’t look like it used to.
    • Don’t let that happen. Don’t let this identity and fortune thief completely rob you. Take control, take the reins, and go inside yourself to figure out the problem and possible ways out.

    Also, remember that a multi-dimensional approach is required to defeat fear.

    Medication is useful, but behavior therapy, relaxation techniques, and good family support are often needed.

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