Chronic Victim Role: People Who Constantly Feel Sorry For Themselves

The chronic victim role results in a distorted perception of reality. Affected people always find a scapegoat for whatever bad happens to them

Chronic victim role: people who constantly feel sorry for themselves

In certain situations in life everyone falls into the role of victim. But what happens when this becomes a permanent part of your personality?

What if you keep complaining? You transform yourself into a person suffering from chronic victimhood .

Chronic victimhood and pessimism

A person who constantly views himself as a victim will be unhappy and pessimistic.

Everything appears to her in a dark light, she believes that only bad things happen to her and that she is haunted by bad luck everywhere.

The problem is that none of this is real: the “chronic victim” has a distorted perception of reality.

People who constantly complain about anything and everything in life suffer a little from a loss of reality.

Also, constant pessimism and the belief that only bad will happen to you makes it a reality.

Take your head out of the clouds and take control of your life

We all have bad times. Perhaps you are wondering if you are also persisting in a constant victim role.

The chronic victim role is something that is sustained permanently. It’s a way of life.

Just because you have a pessimistic period in your life doesn’t mean you are one of the “chronic victims”.

Pessimistic people and those in the permanent victim role draw energy from negative emotions and feelings.

You always blame others for their own bad luck. Because of this, they also develop attitudes such as disdain, aggression, intolerance and violence, among many others.

Characteristics of a person in the chronic victim role

Sometimes you are not sure whether you are yourself or another person in the permanent victim role.

Hopefully the following characteristics of such personalities will help you further.

They twist reality

People who always consider themselves victims believe that all bad things happen because of other people.

That way, they never take responsibility for their own actions and blame those around them.

The problem is, they skew reality in their favor and thus develop even more disdain. After all, there is nothing you can do about the situation now.

Life is not always tragic

They draw energy from their complaints

Lawsuits are, so to speak, the most important food of all “chronic victims”.

With their complaints and worries, they attract the attention of others and thus become the focus of everyone’s attention, which reinforces a feeling of importance.

Worst of all, they never apologize, nor do they plan to do anything about the situation that they dislike. Your attitude is very simple: Complain.

Objective: to find the culprit

All “permanent victims” look for the guilty party in order to burden them with the weaknesses for which they do not want to take responsibility themselves.

They believe that everyone else is acting out of selfish motives, using them, and being bad people in general.

They don’t realize that they are creating this reality themselves and that they actually like it that way.

No self-criticism

At this point it is already clear that a person in the chronic victim role is not capable of actual self-criticism.

They can not perceive that there is something in them that is worthy of criticism, or rather, something that needs improvement.

The bad, the negative, is the result of others. Therefore, it is far from what they could influence themselves.

They are just victims of something they cannot stop themselves.

Manipulation and emotional blackmail

“Chronic victims” often become experts in manipulating situations or  other people to achieve what they set out to do.

They know that the position of the victim softens other people’s hearts and they take advantage of this point.

So you need to realize that a pessimistic person will use emotional blackmail to make them feel even more victim of the situation.

Such a person enjoys pessimism, feeds on complaining and blaming other people, and feels better about it.

You sag if you constantly play the role of victim

You should learn to deal with and neutralize such people so that they do not influence you negatively and infect you with pessimistic emotions.

Chronic victimization is one of those toxic personality types that, like it or not, will make you feel negative.

If you have the opportunity to ban such a person from your life, then do it!

You don’t deserve someone who overshadows your satisfaction with persistent complaints and unfounded worries based on a twisted reality. Ultimately, this only serves to martyr yourself.

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