Causes Of Irregular Menstruation

Irregular or absent menstruation is often a cause for great concern.

Causes of Irregular Menstruation

If menstruation does not take place for a few days, there is often panic. Besides pregnancy, there are many reasons for the absence of menstruation or a very irregular menstrual period.

Many of these causes are not bad, but should be monitored anyway.

The rhythm of menstruation

Few women still experience menstruation that is controlled by the body and its interaction with hormones.

Many women take hormone-containing contraceptives that intervene and regulate the female cycle and thus also menstruation.

There are different variants of a disturbed cycle and disturbed menstruation:

  • Bleeding that occurs too rarely (oligomenorrhea)
  • Bleeding too often (polymenorrhea)
  • Additional bleeding to normal bleeding (metrorrhagia)
  • No bleeding (amenorrhea)
  • Bleeding too little (hypomenorrhea)
  • Too much bleeding (hypermenorrhea)
  • Prolonged as well as increased bleeding (permanent bleeding, menorrhagia)

Anyone who takes the pill then knows almost exactly, right down to the time, when the next menstrual period will start. If she doesn’t, there is great nervousness.

But anyone who experiences a natural cycle without hormones knows that many small things can lead to irregularities in the cycle.

Often we know very well that the delayed menstruation is due to one reason or another, but the worry grows every time.

Today we would like to briefly introduce some of the causes of irregular or even absent menstruation – apart from the most serious cause of pregnancy, of course.



If you are underweight, your hormonal balance is imbalanced and menstrual cycle disorders are the norm.

The further the underweight progresses, the greater the likelihood that menstruation will stop altogether.

The body thus protects itself naturally: an expectant mother who is underweight poses a risk to her own life as well as that of her unborn child.


Unfulfilled desire to have children is a widespread problem with overweight.

Statistically speaking, over half of all Germans are overweight, so that overweight rather than underweight lead to a disturbed hormonal balance much more often.

The reason here, too, is quite simply self-protection. Mother nature protects both mother and unborn child from health risks through the absence of menstruation or the irregular cycle.


Over or under active thyroid

The thyroid is involved in the production of many hormones. If this small, butterfly-shaped organ does not function properly, it can lead to irregular menstruation up to and including a lack of menstrual bleeding.

Regardless of whether you are under or overactive : Thyroid problems should be treated!


In particularly stressful times, Mother Nature reacts very caringly: with the protection against pregnancy, she then wants to protect you from even more stress that is harmful to the body.

The hormonal balance becomes unbalanced and the monthly cycle can change.

Travel to other climates and large time differences between time zones can also lead to such stress!

Last but not least, matters of the heart, such as conflicts in a partnership, can lead to menstrual problems …


Too much exercise

Followers of the philosophy “sport is murder” will be pleased: too much sport also messes up your hormones and can lead to irregular menstruation.

Excessive exercise is also seen as stress by your body and it reacts accordingly to protect you and your health.


Malnutrition or malnutrition

Malnutrition or malnutrition does not necessarily have to result from incorrect eating habits; it can also be caused by illnesses such as allergies or food intolerances.

Ulcerative colitis and celiac disease are just two of many examples in which important nutrients cannot be absorbed from food.

Malnutrition or malnutrition is always an emergency situation for your body in which it protects itself against pregnancy by messing up the hormone status and with it the cycle.


There are many possible diseases that cause irregular menstruation. Some examples are:

  • Fibroids
  • Polyps
  • Tumors
  • Endometriosis
  • high blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Blood disorders

In such cases, a disturbed cycle is only marginal and the main disease should be treated. The hormonal balance will then regulate itself again as a result of the recovery.

One of the causes mentioned is often behind the unfulfilled desire to have children. Most of them can be found out by your doctor, with some, such as stress, conflicts, underweight and overweight, you are asked to take matters into your own hands and change your condition in a positive way.

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