Carob Gum: 6 Health Benefits

Carob Gum has various health-promoting properties: For example, it lowers the cholesterol level and it is also very low in fat. It is therefore an excellent ingredient for those who want to control their weight. 

Carob Gum: 6 Health Benefits

Carob gum is made from the seeds of the fruits of the carob tree. It is mainly used as a thickener, but it provides important nutrients and is therefore very healthy. For this reason, people have started to use this flour to replace cocoa and to create a wide variety of recipes: for example cakes, biscuits or drinks.

Would you like to learn more about the properties of  locust bean gum  ? Then read on!

Interesting facts about the carob fruit

This plant, which belongs to the legume family, originally comes from the Mediterranean region. In Austria it is also known as the “Bockshörndl tree”. The seed of the carob tree is also known as Ceratonia siliqua  and is located inside a pod.

The sleeve is between 10 and 20 cm long. Once  ripe at the end of summer, it turns light brown in color  and has an interesting sweet taste.

To make flour from it,  the seeds are first loosened from the pod and then dried. The seeds are then roasted and ground to obtain a fine powder. The result can be used in the kitchen for a wide variety of recipes. You can add it to mixed drinks, yoghurt or other dishes, for example.

Carob Gum: Nutrients

Carob Gum: Nutrients
The seeds of the carob tree fruit are rich in carbohydrates and fiber. They also provide protein and healthy fats. 

Locust bean gum is  rich in carbohydrates. It contains around 40 to 50% sugar,  mainly sucrose, glucose, maltose and fructose.

However, because it is also rich in fiber,  these types of sugars are slowly absorbed. In addition, this flour is also high in protein. At the same time, it contains few fats, but they are of great quality (like linoleic acid and oleic acid). Vitamins of the B group as well as iron, calcium and potassium can also be found in it.

Locust bean gum  has an intense brown color and is naturally sweet. It has a very special taste. Recipes made with it, which are supplemented with cinnamon, vanilla or citrus zest, taste great and are very healthy.

Locust bean gum: healthy properties

As already mentioned, Johanis tree kernels are low in fat. In comparison, cocoa provides significantly more saturated fats, which are harmful to heart health. In addition, locust tree kernels are characterized by a high content of soluble fiber.

These improve bowel function and reduce blood cholesterol levels. In addition, locust bean gum does not contain gluten and is therefore also suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

The main benefits of locust bean gum

1. Weight control

The main benefits of locust bean gum: Weight control
Using locust bean gum in your recipes will make it easier to control your weight. 

As already mentioned several times, locust bean gum contains hardly any fat. Therefore, foods prepared with it have fewer calories than when you use cocoa as an ingredient. So this allows you to control your weight more easily.

On the other hand, the soluble fiber it contains stays in the stomach for a long time and keeps you full for a long time. So you will have less appetite and less desire to eat.

2. Locust bean gum contains iron

Iron is  an essential mineral that is very important for the immune system,  good physical and mental performance and the production of red blood cells. In order to better absorb the iron contained in the carob tree seeds, you need to combine it with foods rich in vitamin C (such as citrus fruits).

3. Excellent source of calcium

The calcium from the carob tree kernels can be better utilized than calcium from other vegetable sources. This is due to the fact that these kernels do not contain any oxalates. Remember that these substances inhibit the absorption of calcium in the intestines.

4. Locust bean gum reduces cholesterol levels

Locust bean gum reduces cholesterol levels
The high fiber content makes this flour excellent for controlling cholesterol levels. 

The soluble fiber in these kernels  binds to the cholesterol and inhibits its absorption. As a result, the cholesterol does not get into the blood at all and is excreted. In addition, carob tree kernels contain the substance tyramine. This is also found in cocoa and is associated with headaches. Migraine sufferers must therefore be particularly careful, as this could make the symptoms worse.

5. Prebiotic effect

The fiber in the carob tree kernels  improves the intestinal flora. They also help against diarrhea, but at the same time have a laxative effect. They also improve intestinal peristalsis, promote the healing of infections and alleviate gastrointestinal complaints.

The fiber forms a kind of gel in the intestine, which promotes defecation. At the same time, however, they have an astringent effect, thanks to the tannins they contain. 

6. Locust bean gum also contains important antioxidants

Locust bean gum is also characterized by valuable  polyphenols, which reduce oxidative damage and keep cells healthy. That is why it also helps to prevent premature aging.

Did you know all these beneficial properties of this interesting flour? You can use it to promote your health and should therefore use it for a wide variety of recipes that you are sure to enjoy!

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