Canary Seed – For The Regulation Of Cholesterol And For Weight Loss

Canary seed contains some valuable enzymes, with which the level of blood lipids and thus also the cholesterol can be lowered. At the same time, the elimination of fluid stored in the tissue is stimulated

Canary seed - for regulation of cholesterol and for weight loss

Canary seed is a type of seed known all over the world. Not to you yet? Well, it is actually one of the most widely used pet bird feeds, as the name suggests.

However, many people do not yet know that canary seed is also suitable as a food for humans, has a high nutritional value and is even able to promote health.

After some studies on the effects of this food on the human organism, many nutritionists began recommending it as a dietary supplement.

From a nutritional point of view, canary seed is particularly suitable for lowering cholesterol, for prophylaxis and supportive therapy for diabetes and for better burning of body fat.

Because we know that the effects of these seeds are still largely unknown, we would like to use this space today to inform our readers about them.

Information on the nutritional value of canary seeds

Although canary seeds are very small grains, there is a lot of nutritional value in them. 100 g of canary seeds contain the following nutrients :

  • 55 g of carbohydrates
  • 14 g protein
  • 2 g of fat
  • 212 kcal
  • 50 mg calcium
  • 300 mg of phosphorus

Health-promoting properties of this food

Promote blood circulation with canary seeds

Thanks to its high nutritional value, consuming canary seeds can improve health in many ways.

It contains, for example, the enzyme lipase, which breaks down fats and helps to cleanse the blood vessels of the damaged triglycerides and cholesterol.

The same enzyme also makes canary seeds an ally in overweight and obesity. It supports the breakdown of body fat that has accumulated in different regions of the body.

But not only the blood vessels and the big belly benefit from this food, but also the skin. Because cellulite is caused by lipid metabolism, it can also be reduced with canary seed.

In addition to lipase, canary seeds also contain important antioxidants from which the skin and many other tissues benefit because they are no longer exposed to the harmful effects of free radicals.

Canary seeds are also diuretic, which is very beneficial for common problems such as fluid retention in tissues.

The liver and pancreas also benefit from certain ingredients in canary seed. Because the pancreas plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels, health-promoting effects may also be mediated here.

And what is the best way to consume canary seed?

Canary seed

Many people add the seeds to salads, mixed drinks and even soups. But it is also an excellent idea to make a plant-based milk from them.


  • 5 tbsp canary seeds (50 g)
  • 1 glass of water to soak the seeds (200 ml)
  • 1 liter of water (for drinking)


  • Put the canary seeds in a little water to soak. Let them stand overnight.
  • You can drain the water the next morning. Put the soaked seeds in the blender along with the liter of water. Instead of water, soy milk or another liquid can also be used here.
  • Process everything into canary seed milk in a few minutes. It should take on a white color.
  • Then pour them through a fine sieve or cloth to remove the husks from the canary seeds.
  • Keep the milk in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

Canary seed milk to regulate cholesterol levels?

If your primary goal is to do something with the consumption of canary seeds to keep your blood vessels healthy and lower your cholesterol, have one glass of milk on an empty stomach in the morning and another one in the evening before bed.

Keep in mind that the seeds are diuretic and you will likely have to go to the bathroom at one point or another after consuming the milk.

Drink the milk in the form of a regimen for at least three weeks. After that, you can continue to drink them regularly three times a week.

And for weight loss?

Lose weight with canary seeds

We must first make it clear that neither milk nor any other preparation made from these seeds is a miracle cure for burning fat.

However, they can complement a weight loss diet very well if it is based on a healthy, balanced diet and if you exercise regularly.

If your primary goal is to lose weight with the help of canary seeds, then you should drink a glass of milk on an empty stomach in the morning and another glass before each main meal of the day.

Because you provide your body with significant amounts of fiber with it, the milk has a filling effect. This prevents you from overeating.

Now you know that canary seeds are not just for birds! Make it part of your diet and be amazed at the great effects it has on your health. Enjoy the meal!

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