Can You Fall In Love With 36 Questions?

Sometimes 36 questions are not enough to make you fall in love. However, sometimes a single look is enough; others take years to clear their feelings.

Can you fall in love with 36 questions?

Complicity and mutual trust, a magical attraction, an intoxicating state … Can you fall in love with 36 questions ?

Why you fall in love with one but not the other person can usually not be explained logically. But there are many studies in which the behavior and chemical processes  of being in love have been examined.

In 1996, social psychologist Arthur Aron conducted an interesting experiment in his human relationships laboratory at the University of Stony Brook in New York.

He wanted to find out how  different questions can be used to promote attraction and trust between two people. 

In January of this year, the New York Times published  an article by Mandy Len Catron with a  self- experiment based on these 36 questions from Aron.

The study carried out almost 20 years ago shows that you can fall in love with 36 questions . Mandy Len Catron has proven this in himself.

If these 36 questions interest you, we encourage you to read on.

Can you fall in love with 36 questions?

fall in love

The 36 questions address very personal topics, many couples have probably not asked themselves these yet.

The questionnaire is divided into 3 sections . The first of these is about finding out how we perceive ourselves. If you are uncomfortable with these questions, it is better to stop.

But if  it turns into a pleasant, trusting conversation , the experience will be worth it.

If you already have a partner, it is also very interesting to answer these questions together. Even if it takes you over an hour to do this,  you will learn a lot of interesting things.

It is not about a game, but about profound, profound and insightful questions, through which  personal  fears and needs as well as mistakes and virtues come to light.

Maybe you can discover new things, things that are often kept secret and that are rarely talked about.

These questions are very interesting,  even if you don’t necessarily want to fall in love with someone. They make it possible to get to know each other in a very open and honest way, they lead to  understanding, knowledge and reflection.

Here’s how you can prepare for the questions:

  • Choose a quiet place.
  • Ask the questions in a loud voice one at a time. Both partners answer the 36 questions.  
  • It is important not to lose eye contact while doing this.
  • As already mentioned, the questions are divided into three sections. After each section, you can take a break and decide if you want to continue.

36 questions: 1st section

  • If you can choose who you want, who would you take for dinner?
  • Would you like to be famous In what way?
  • Do you practice  before calling someone? Why?
  • What does a “perfect” day look like for you?
  • When was the last time you sang to yourself? And for someone else?
  • If you live to be over 90, would you prefer the body or mind of a 30 year old person?
  • Do you secretly have a premonition of how you’re going to die?
  • Name three things you would like to have in common with your partner.
  • What are you most grateful for in your life? 
  • If you could do anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
  • Take four minutes to tell your life story.
  • If you could wake up tomorrow with a new skill or quality, what would it be?

36 questions: 2nd section

Girl on meadow
  • When a crystal ball could reveal the truth about yourself, your life, the future or something else. What would you want to know
  • Is there something that you have wanted to do for a long time? Why haven’t you done it yet?
  • Your greatest achievement in your life?
  • What do you value most about friendship?
  • Your dearest memory?
  • What’s your worst memory
  • If you knew you were going to die in a year, you would change something in your life. Why?
  • What does friendship mean to you?
  • What role do love and sadness play in your life?
  • Name five things you are looking for in a partnership.
  • Do you have a good relationship with your family? Do you feel like your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
  • How do you rate your relationship with your mother?

36 questions: Section 3

  • Both of you think of three true statements with “we”. For example: “We are asking ourselves questions, we are calm ……”.
  • Complete this statement: “I want someone to share with …”.
  • If you were to become a good friend to the other person, what do you think they should know about you?
  • Tell the person in front of you what you like about them.
  • Tell about an embarrassing moment in your life.
  • When was the last time you cried in front of another person? And alone?
  • Tell the other person what you like about your friends.
  • What’s too serious to joke about? 
  • If you died tonight without being able to speak to anyone, what unspoken words would you regret most. Why haven’t you said this yet?
  • Your house with all your things starts to burn. After rescuing your loved ones and pets , you’ll have time to walk into the house one last time and rescue an object. Which one and why? 
  • Which family member would die the most? Why?
  • Talk about a personal problem and ask the other person for advice on how to solve it.  
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These questions about human relationships and feelings are very interesting, but are they really enough to make you fall in love with someone? 

Why can love and falling in love seldom be explained rationally? Sometimes one look is enough, sometimes many years are not enough. 

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