Aphthous Ulcers – Natural Remedies

The mouthwash with aloe vera helps against complaints from the very first application.

Aphthous ulcers - natural remedies

Aphthae are open sores in the mouth that can be caused by stomach problems and fever. They are painful and very uncomfortable.

Many patients, who frequently suffer from aphthous ulcers, complain of small spots up to protruding swellings. These can develop on the lips, gums, roof of the mouth or on the tongue and cause a fever and general malaise.

In this article we will inform you how you can alleviate these unpleasant symptoms with simple home remedies.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is excellent for treating inflammation in the mouth. The unpleasant injuries can be alleviated with the first treatment.

The preparation is very simple. Take some gel from an aloe leaf by cutting open the leaf. Mix the gel with a bit of lukewarm water, then use this liquid as a mouthwash.

You already have the perfect remedy for unpleasant mouth infections.

Homemade mouthwash

Since we want to get rid of the aphthae as quickly as possible, we recommend that you make a simple mouthwash.

In half a glass of water, stir a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of baking soda and a little hydrogen peroxide. After you’ve mixed everything well, you can use it to rinse your mouth at least four times a day. You will get good results very soon.

Saline solution

This remedy is only for the really brave, because it burns strongly. A mouthwash with salt works great. But if you can bear to sprinkle some salt directly on the aphthous ulcers, you will be rewarded with an even faster improvement.

Ice against aphthous ulcers

Don’t forget that ice will reduce inflammation and numb the affected area slightly. We therefore recommend that you use ice for aphthae as well. You can put an ice cube in a clean cloth directly on the affected area, which will calm down and then hurt less.

Pay attention to any injuries in the mouth. Inflammation is common in this area, but it usually goes away in a few days.

If there is an injury in the mouth for more than 10 days and it is not painful, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, it could be cancer.

Proper oral hygiene is extremely important to prevent inflammation. You should brush your teeth at least 3 to 4 times a day and don’t forget to rinse and floss. Even children should learn proper oral hygiene from an early age.

Another important aspect to avoid painful sores in the mouth is to have your toothbrush replaced on a regular monthly basis. If you are using dentures, place them in a glass of water with five drops of Clorox while you sleep.

In this way, the prosthesis is always disinfected and injuries to the mouth will consequently occur less frequently.

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