Alone Hurts, But Only Through The Pain Can You Heal

Even if it may frighten us a little at first, we can learn many things about ourselves through our loneliness, rely on our well-being and as people to grow.

Alone hurts, but pain is the only way to heal

Alone hurts. Suddenly you have no one around you who can accompany you on the hard path that you are walking.

Why did everyone leave? Why will life leave you alone

Loneliness is frowned upon and is considered a sign of failure. However, sometimes we have no choice but to experience loneliness, especially when we have had a bad period.

But even if we consider loneliness a great enemy, it can also prove very beneficial. Because being alone hurts, but it also helps to heal.

Being alone will help you heal your wounds

Alone hurts

Sometimes life invites you to be alone so that you can slow down, listen to your inner self, and experience where to go now.

Sometimes we lose ourselves along the way, we start to feel unhappy and suffering becomes very present in our daily lives. It doesn’t go away in the long run, and there comes a time when we can no longer do it.

It doesn’t matter what we go through. We tend to believe that the problems are outside; however, the solution lies within ourselves.

Therefore, experiencing solitude is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with yourself, to listen to each other again, and to discover how we can improve our lives.

So one shouldn’t grapple with loneliness. It is true that we tend to be victims at first, to “why is this happening to me?”.

But that has to stop so that we can take time for ourselves, think only of the person we are, pamper ourselves and love each other more.

Then we will find that no one will be able to solve what we are going through. Nobody but ourselves.

Loneliness invites you to become independent from others

Alone hurts

Alone hurts but at the same time it is an excellent invitation for all those people who suffer from a kind of dependency on others, such as dependence on their partner and other types of relationships.

We cannot spend our entire lives leaving our happiness to the people who will ultimately disappoint us and hurt us very much.

It is important that we learn to be responsible and recognize that well-being today does not depend on the emotional state of others, but on ourselves.

This is the only way we can deal with our emotions, achieve a certain balance and feel good without always having to look outside.

Because we are the only ones responsible for how we feel, and when we allow other people to gain that power, we are doing a lot wrong.

We are not dependent on anyone. Loneliness scares us, but sometimes it is good to be aware of it. People come and go, they hurt you, others change you. But the person who will never let you down is yourself.

Alone hurts

Alone hurts

Even if we look at loneliness as a healing possibility, it is true that being alone will be very painful. You will be tempted to get back into your comfort zone, but things won’t be as simple as they used to be.

This is because you have taken a huge step forward that, while painful, is very necessary. Solitude awaits you to give you the chance to mature, grow, improve.

Now you know what it’s like to blame yourself for your happiness and you realize it’s not that easy, is it?

When you put your focus on yourself you start to see that you deserve things, you start to feel bad for seeing this as selfish, but that’s what you need.

To be constantly on guard not to be abandoned, to constantly bring joy to others, to only do things because you think you might otherwise be abandoned … that is a serious mistake.

Because you are important, because you deserve to think about yourself. It’s time to stop sacrificing so much time and thinking about how to be better for others so that they can accept and love you.

Leave the victim role and take care of your life. You have the power and the will to do it. Don’t waste any more time.

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